
Chronic pain service delivery - draft framework: consultation

This consultation on the draft Framework sets out our vision to improve the quality of life and wellbeing for people with chronic pain in Scotland by delivering person-centred, effective and safe care.

Consultation Questions

Our Vision

Person-centred, effective and safe care that improves the quality of life and wellbeing of people living with chronic pain in Scotland.

Question 1. Should this be the overarching vision?



Question 2. Please explain your response.

Aim A: Person-Centred Care

Ensure access to appropriate information and support based on an individual's needs.

Question 3. Should this aim be a priority?



Commitment 1

We will improve the quality and consistency of information on chronic pain and make it more easily accessible. We will empower people to understand their condition and better manage its impact on their physical and mental wellbeing.

Question 4. Should Commitment 1 be included in the Framework?



Question 5. Please explain your response to Q3 and Q4.

Aim B: Timely Access to Care

Support people to access the care they need, when they need it.

Question 6. Should this aim be a priority?



Commitment 2

We will support people to access the right care, in the right place, at the right time by working with NHS Boards to improve how they plan and deliver care for people with chronic pain. This includes increased coordination across community-based, GP and hospital services.

Question 7. Should Commitment 2 be included in the Framework?



Commitment 3

We will improve the options people have in accessing chronic pain services, including digital technology where appropriate.

Question 8. Should Commitment 3 be included in the Framework?



Question 9. Please explain your response to Q6, Q7 and Q8.

Aim C: Safe, Effective Treatments

Ensure people have a choice of effective treatments.

Question 10. Should this aim be a priority?



Commitment 4

We will support people with chronic pain and healthcare professionals to better understand and agree effective treatment options to manage pain.

Question 11. Should Commitment 4 be included in the Framework?



Commitment 5

We will ensure people have more consistent access to effective treatment options wherever they live in Scotland.

Question 12. Should Commitment 5 be included in the Framework?



Question 13. Please explain your response to Q10, Q11 and Q12.

Aim D: Improving Quality of Life and Wellbeing

Invest in training, data and research to improve care and support.

Question 14. Should this aim be a priority?



Training and Support for Healthcare Professionals

Commitment 6

We will work with NHS Education for Scotland, professional bodies and partners to improve training and education on management of chronic pain.

Question 15. Should Commitment 6 be included in the Framework?



Commitment 7

We will establish and support health and care professional networks to share best practice in pain management at local and national levels.

Question 16. Should Commitment 7 be included in the Framework?



Question 17. Please explain your response to Q14, Q15 and Q16.

Using Data to Improve Services and Support

Commitment 8

We will support Health and Social Care Partnerships to improve how pain management support is planned and delivered locally by promoting more consistent use of performance and quality data.

Question 18. Should Commitment 8 be included in the Framework?



Commitment 9

We will work with Public Health Scotland to increase national reporting and analysis of clinical and patient experience data to improve services for people with chronic pain.

Question 19. Should Commitment 9 be included in the Framework?



Question 20. Please explain your response to Q18 and Q19.

Promoting Research and Best Practice

Commitment 10

We will develop and agree national standards for pain management services to improve care for people with chronic pain.

Question 21. Should Commitment 10 be included in the Framework?



Commitment 11

We will support pain research in Scotland to develop improved care and treatment options for people with chronic pain.

Question 22. Should Commitment 11 be included in the Framework?



Question 23. Please explain your response to Q21 and Q22.

Implementing and delivering the Framework

Question 24. Please share your views on the barriers to implementing the Framework.

Question 25. Please share your views on the opportunities to implementing the Framework.

Question 26. Are there any groups who will be directly or indirectly impacted by the Vision, Aims and Commitments that have not been identified by the Equality Impact Assessment and/or Fairer Scotland Duty exercises in Annex A.



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