
Draft Fuel Poverty Strategy for Scotland 2018

The draft fuel poverty strategy sets out the policy development of the Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy)(Scotland) Bill and the draft Fuel Poverty Strategy for Scotland 2018.

Next steps

This draft strategy outlines a new and robust approach to tackling fuel poverty in Scotland. Supported by new legislative commitments – to be introduced through the Fuel Povertay (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill – the strategic approach we are proposing will establish a new definition of fuel poverty, including statutory and non-statutory targets, to ensure support is provided to those who need it most, no matter where they live. To deliver this we will:

  • Continue to promote Scottish consumer engagement in the energy market and work towards ensuring more affordable energy options are available to those most vulnerable to fuel poverty;
  • Through Energy Efficient Scotland, invest in making our homes warmer, greener and more efficient, as part of our commitment to remove energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty;
  • Review the eligibility criteria for our national fuel poverty programme, Warmer Homes Scotland, and consider the need for an assessment tool to facilitate targeting of support according to the new fuel poverty definition; and
  • Continue to build on and develop emerging and diverse partnerships across various sectors, to ensure we are engaging proactively and effectively with the most relevant organisations and bodies to maximise reach of this strategy and support to those most in need.

We recognise that other new or revised powers or duties may be needed to ensure delivery and funding the 20 year lifetime of Energy Efficient Scotland, and are inviting comment within the related consultation that accompanies the Energy Efficient Scotland Routemap on what these may be. If it is considered that an Energy Efficient Scotland Bill is needed to implement the programme, the contents of the Bill will be informed by the feedback received from this consultation. The Programme for Government 2017-18 also committed us to consulting further on detailed proposals for Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies ( LHEES) and regulation of district heating which we have now done. We are analysing the responses to that consultation which will inform our final approach.

The independent Scottish Fuel Poverty Advisory Panel and Partnership Forum will provide a strong governance mechanism for delivery of our ambitions to 2040. We will work collaboratively with these groups to monitor progress, and will seek their expert advice to develop an outcomes framework that places people at the heart of the Fuel Poverty Strategy to be published in 2019 under the new legislation.

As a government we are committed to tackling all forms of poverty and inequality – we believe that this draft strategy sets the necessary foundations for addressing fuel poverty over the next 20 years, promoting a fairer and more equal society.

This table sets out a high-level timeline of key activities that we will take forward between now and the publication of the Final Fuel Poverty Strategy at the end of 2019 onwards to help realise this ambition.

What? When?
Energy Efficient Scotland launched –
including publication of the Route Map
and associated public consultations and
impact assessments.
2 May 2018
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and
Strategy )(Scotland) Bill introduced to
26 June 2018
Publication of the Fuel Poverty Strategy
Consultation Analysis Report and Draft
Fuel Poverty Strategy
27 June 2018
Energy Efficient Scotland associated
public consultations close
27 July 2018
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and
Strategy )(Scotland) Bill Stage 1
Autumn 2018
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and
Strategy )(Scotland) Bill Stage 1 Debate
Early 2019
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and
Strategy )(Scotland) Bill Stage 2
Feb/March 2019
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and
Strategy )(Scotland) Bill Stage 3
Spring 2019
Earliest anticipated commencement of
Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill
Summer 2019
Updated Energy Efficient Scotland Route
Map published, informed by consultation
During 2019
Final Fuel Poverty Strategy published,
confirming proposals on minimum energy
efficiency level and associated stretch
End 2019 onwards


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