
Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) - site selection: draft guidelines

Guidelines describing the proposed process for identifying and selecting Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) in Scottish waters. These were drafted by our statutory nature conservation advisors, NatureScot and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

Annex C - Third party proposal process and submission template

The draft submission template outlines the information third parties should provide when developing proposals for HPMAs.

Within the submission template, third parties should clearly identify who is making the proposal, the anticipated contribution to HPMA aims, and summary information on existing activities known to be taking place in the area.

An initial appraisal of third party proposals will be undertaken by (any combination of) NatureScot, JNCC, Marine Scotland or other parties as requested by Marine Scotland. This will depend on the nature of the proposals and will include consideration of socio-economic factors.

Subsequent, formal assessment of proposals will be led by NatureScot or JNCC as part of the national process. Modifications, such as to the boundary (i.e. shape and size), may be made through subsequent stakeholder review and discussion.

Further details on the timetable and submission mechanisms will be published when the third party proposals process launches in 2023.

For information on how your personal data will be handled as part of this process, please view our Privacy Notices - NatureScot and JNCC.

Submission template and guidance for third party proposals for HPMAs in Scottish waters

General Information

Contact Details: Please provide a name, postal address, email address and phone number for the lead contact person regarding your proposal.

Suggested name of proposed HPMA: Insert suggested name of the proposed HPMA.

Summary description of the proposed HPMA: Please provide a succinct (no more than 10 sentences) description of the proposal - 'what, where and why?' as if introducing the proposal to other marine stakeholders.

The presence of functions and resources of significance to Scotland's seas: This requested information relates to Stage 1 of the HPMA site selection process. Please provide a description of the functions and resources of significance to Scotland's seas that are present within the boundary of the proposed HPMA and outline how these provide for ecosystem protection and/or recovery. Please note that whilst HPMAs allow for carefully managed enjoyment and appreciation, this cannot be the primary or sole purpose of a proposal. Refer to Annexes A and B for further information.

Envisaged contribution to HPMA aims: This requested information relates to Stage 2 of the HPMA site selection process. Please provide a description of the anticipated contribution that the proposed HPMA will provide to meet the overarching aims of HPMAs. Refer to Section 2 and Annex A of the HPMA selection guidelines for further information.

Summary information on existing activities taking place within the area: This requested information relates to Stage 4 of the HPMA site selection process. Please provide a qualitative description of existing activities known to be taking place within the boundary of the proposed HPMA. Refer to Annex A for further information.

Supporting maps, data and references

Map(s) showing boundary of proposed HPMA

Please include an indicative map(s) showing the boundary of the proposed HPMA. Final boundaries of any shortlisted locations are likely to be refined throughout subsequent HPMA processes. If possible, please provide proposed boundary maps in a recognised Geographic Information System (GIS) format (such as a shapefile or file geodatabase). Other formats are also acceptable, including images of annotated maps. If you submit proposed boundary locations in anything other than a GIS format, you must provide an associated electronic file (such as an Excel csv file), listing coordinates of the main boundary nodes. Please use the World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984 datum using decimal degrees of latitude and longitude, or if this is not possible please specify the units and projection.

Please indicate what boundary information you have provided to support your submission using the check boxes below:

Map(s) of proposed HPMA boundary attached?

Yes or No

Format of proposed HPMA boundary?

GIS or Other

If 'GIS' - are file(s) of proposed HPMA boundary attached?

Yes or No

If yes, please insert file name(s)

If 'Other' - are boundary node coordinate details provided?

Yes or No

If yes, please insert coordinate details here.

Example format - "A" = 58.104500, -5.442817

"B" = 58.115483, -5.525083

(using datum WGS 1984)

Evidence to support the basis for the proposal

Please provide links to relevant information sources (e.g. reports, journal papers, published datasets etc.) and include map(s) representing evidence in support of the presence and distribution of the functions and resources encompassed by the area as described above. For example, regarding the distribution of blue carbon or essential fish habitats. In some cases, it may be appropriate to show multiple mapping outputs to support the rationale for a proposal. Information regarding the age, origin and ability to use / re-use underpinning datasets should also be provided. Where practicable, please provide supporting evidence in a recognised GIS format (such as a shapefile or file geodatabase) with appropriate metadata. 'Unmapped' electronic data files or annotated maps are acceptable.

Please indicate what evidence you have provided to support your submission using the check boxes below:

Evidence map(s) for the proposed HPMA attached?

Yes or No

Format of evidence mapping?

GIS or Other

If 'GIS' - are evidence mapping file(s) attached?

Yes or No

Insert file name(s) and brief summary of materials supplied - including age, source and any re-use / copyright constraints (if known)

If 'Other' - is further information / detail provided?

Yes or No

Insert file name(s) and brief summary of materials supplied - including age, source and any re-use / copyright constraints (if known)

References / other information sources: Please list all references to support the proposal. If possible, include hyperlinks to where the supporting cited literature (or datasets / mapping) is available online.

Additional considerations for the selection of HPMAs

Ensuring a balanced representation of the ecology of Scotland's seas and their geographical spread

Which biogeographic region is the proposed HPMA in?

Biogeographic regions can be viewed via the JNCC MPA Mapper. Select 'Administrative areas' then toggle on the 'Charting Progress 2 biogeographic regions' layer.

  • Northern North Sea
  • Scottish Continental Shelf
  • Minches & Western Scotland
  • Irish Sea
  • Atlantic North-West Approaches, Rockall Trough and Faeroe/Shetland Channel

Is the proposed HPMA located inshore or offshore or both?

  • Inshore (<12 NM)
  • Offshore (>12 NM)
  • straddles both

Is the proposed HPMA located within an existing MPA (part or whole site) or outside of the current MPA network?

Maps of existing MPAs in Scottish waters can be viewed via Marine Scotland's NMPi as well as the JNCC MPA Mapper.

  • inside MPA
  • outside MPA
  • both inside and outside of an MPA



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