Draft Partial Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) – Fisheries Management Measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

This assessment is undertaken to consider the impacts of the measures under consideration on island communities in Scotland.

Annex A Proposed fisheries management measures under each site

Table A1 Offshore MPAs for which two management measures options are proposed, the protected features and proposed management measures

Site name

Protected Feature

Measures proposed under Option 1

Measures proposed Option 2

The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount NCMPA

Seamount communities

Offshore sand and gravels/ Deep-sea muds

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Zonal exclusion static gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Central Fladen NCMPA

Burrowed Mud

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear

East of Gannet and Montrose Fields NCMPA

Offshore deep-sea muds

Ocean Quahog aggregations (including sands and gravels and their supporting habitat)

Full site exclusion of mechanised dredge and beam trawling

Zonal exclusion of demersal trawls

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear (excluding seines)

East Rockall Bank SAC

Stony, bedrock and biogenic reefs

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt NCMPA

Deep sea sponge aggregations

Offshore subtidal sands and gravels

Ocean Quahog aggregations

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Firth of Forth Banks Complex NCMPA

Ocean Quahog aggregations

Offshore subtidal sands and gravels

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile gear (except seines)

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear (excluding seines)

Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope NCMPA

Burrowed mud (seapens and burrowing megafauna)

Offshore subtidal sands and gravels

Offshore deep-sea muds

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear

North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA

Deep sea sponge aggregations

Offshore sands and gravels, deep sea muds

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Northwest Rockall Bank SAC

Stony and Biogenic reef

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain NCMPA

Ocean Quahog aggregations (including sands and gravels as their supporting habitat)

Full site exclusion of mechanised dredge, beam trawl and demersal trawl

Zonal exclusion of seines

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Pobie Bank Reef SAC

Bedrock and Stony reef

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Solan Bank Reef SAC

Bedrock and Stony reef

Full site exclusion of mechanised dredge and beam trawling

Full site exclusion of demersal trawls and seines excluding September and October, when permitted in defined zones

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear year-round

Stanton Banks SAC

Bedrock and Stony reef

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear

West Shetland Shelf MPA

Offshore subtidal sands and gravels

Zonal exclusion of demersal trawls and seines

Full site exclusion of mechanised dredges and beam trawling

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile gear

Wyville-Thomson Ridge SAC

Stony and bedrock reef

Zonal exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Full site exclusion of demersal mobile and static gear

Table A2 Offshore MPAs for which only one management measure options is proposed, the protected features and proposed management measures

Site name

Protected feature

Management measures proposed

Anton Dohrn Seamount MPA

Stony, bedrock and biogenic reef

Demersal mobile gears and demersal static gears prohibited throughout site.

Braemar Pockmarks SAC

Submarine structures made by leaking gases

Demersal mobile and demersal static gears prohibited throughout site.

Darwin Mounds SAC

Stony, bedrock and biogenic reef

Demersal mobile and demersal static gears prohibited throughout site.

Scanner Pockmark SAC

Submarine structures made by leaking gases

Demersal mobile gears and demersal static gears prohibited throughout site.

Turbot Bank MPA


Targeted fishing for sandeel prohibited throughout site.

West of Scotland NCMPA

Burrowed mud

Deep-sea sponge aggregations

Coral gardens

Cold-water coral reefs

Offshore deep-sea muds

Offshore subtidal sands and gravels

Demersal mobile and demersal static gears prohibited throughout site.


Email: marine_biodiversity@gov.scot

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