
Draft Scottish Marine Litter Strategy Consultation

Marine litter impacts on Scotland’s society, economy and marine environment. The draft strategy we consult on will aim to address the levels of marine litter present in our marine and coastal environment.

4. Options for Delivery

4.1 This section considers options for developing and improving marine litter polices in the draft Strategy.

4.2 We have considered four options presented for delivering a Strategy. These are outlined below:

  • Option 1: Business as usual.

The business as usual scenario stipulates that the existing framework in place for the management of marine litter will remain with no overarching reform process in place. This option assumes a "do nothing" option does not exist and Scotland must meet EU targets and obligations such as the MSFD. This Option assumes that existing work by Government continues in place but is not supplemented by further work e.g. the Zero Waste Plan will be operational and addressing marine litter issues, albeit indirectly.

  • Option 2: Implement the Strategy - low cost networked approach.

In this option, a Scottish Marine Litter Strategy is prepared, with a focus on co-ordination, profile raising and networking amongst sectors and stakeholders. All relevant obligations and targets aim to be satisfied and additional co-ordination implements reforms and adds value. A lead authority is identified, but resources are targeted at providing support for a policy officer to administer the Strategy including the development of a stakeholder group and monitoring of outputs. Key elements of the proposed Strategy are resourced through individual sectors - no central funding is available with the exception of supporting the network and its activities.

  • Option 3: Implement the Strategy - high cost and centralised approach.

Option 3 relates to the establishment of a centralised policy unit dedicated to the development and implementation of a Scottish Marine Litter Strategy. Resources are available for a dedicated policy officer, stakeholder engagement and the funding of select high profile initiatives that have a direct impact on reducing litter from source, and encouraging a waste is resource ethic.

  • Option 4: Implement the Strategy - medium cost and networked approach

This option includes aspects of option 2 and 3 above. It is envisaged that this option would be based around medium cost and a networked approach and focus on deliverables within the resources available. In this proposed option, a lead authority and policy officer are identified to co-ordinate existing network of sectors and stakeholders. We propose that a national stakeholder group would assist with the development of the Marine Litter Strategy and monitoring of outputs, with a focus on delivering key elements of the Strategy within staff and financial resources that are available from individual sectors. In summary, option 4 should focus on deliverables within the resources available.

4.3 A summary of key advantages and disadvantages of each of the four options is considered in Annex A. The annex also contains a short analysis of actions required to achieve the five Strategic Directions under an Option 4 based Marine Litter Strategy.

Q26. Do you think that Option 4 is the most appropriate mechanism for developing and improving policies under the Marine Litter Strategy?

Any other views on the options outlined or other options not identified are also invited.

Further Questions

Q27. Are there any equalities issues that should be factored into the Equalities Impact Assessment for the Marine Litter Strategy?

Q28. Do you have any feedback on the findings of the Strategic Environmental Assessment?

Q29. Are there any particular issues that you wish to highlight with regard to the Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment, and the potential impacts on the third sector, business and the economy?

Q30. Are there other issues that have not been highlighted in this consultation that you would like to mention?


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