Draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 3 (SNAP3) 2024-29 - consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to consultation on the draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 3 (2024-2029).


1 Adaptation Scotland’s Climate Projection Summary, see: https://www.adaptationscotland.org.uk/why-adapt/climate-trends-and-projections

2Scottish Adaptation Programme 2 2019-24

3 UK Climate Risk Assessment (CCRA3): Summary for Scotland

4 Inclusive of professional or representative bodies as well as private and third sector organisations with specified interest in particular industries/sectors.

5 Some questions consisted of a closed- and an open-text part. The total combined number of questions was 32.

6 Percentages were rounded to the nearest whole number and can therefore sum up to more than 100%.

7 Proposed options included Grant funding schemes, Blended finance models, Open data platform and industry-led common metrics, and Mainstreaming adaptation.

8 More trees and green spaces in built-up places for flood resilience and cooling.

9 More joined-up natural habitats (“nature networks”).

10 Managing pests and diseases which will be more prevalent with climate change.

11 Reinforcing natural coastal barriers such as dunes.


Email: AdaptationConsultation@gov.scot

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