Draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 3 (SNAP3) 2024-29 - consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to consultation on the draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 3 (2024-2029).

Appendix B

List of questions of written consultation by page of report

Question 1: What do you think the current effects of climate change are on people in Scotland?. 12

Question 2: What effects, if any, do you expect climate change will have on people in Scotland over the next five years?. 14

Question 3: What actions, if any, would you be willing and able to take to adapt to climate change?. 15

Question 4: What factor(s), if any, would prevent you from taking action to adapt to climate change and become more climate-resilient?. 17

Question 5: What action(s) do you think the Scottish Government should prioritise in order to build greater resilience to the impacts of climate change?. 19

Question 6: The draft Adaptation Plan sets out actions which will be taken to protect and restore nature. Which of the following actions proposed around protecting and restoring nature should the Scottish Government prioritise for a better adapted Scotland?. 22

Question 7: When you consider your local natural space e.g. park, canal, woodland or beach, what would you like to see improved in terms of blue and green space in your local area?. 25

Question 8: For Scotland to adapt to the impacts of climate change, lots of different groups, such as individuals, communities, businesses and public bodies, will need to work together and support each other. How could others support you (or your organisation) to adapt to climate change over the next five years?. 27

Question 9: In what way(s) could the plan help different groups across Scotland and/or its regions to collaborate on climate adaptation?. 29

Question 10: Advice from the Climate Change Committee (the Scottish Government's independent advisors on Climate) is to adapt to 2ºC of warming and assess the risk for 4ºC. To what extent do you agree with this advice? 31

Question 11: Would further guidance on future climate scenario(s) be useful when making plans and investment decisions?. 33

Question 12: Would an assessment of “cascading” risks from weather-related disruptions to infrastructure help you or your organisation to adapt?. 35

Question 13: What, if any, are the barriers to businesses accessing advice and support on climate risks? 38

Question 14: How should farming, fishing and forestry businesses be supported to adapt to climate change? 39

Question 15: How do you anticipate disruption to domestic and/or international supply chains caused by climate change will affect Scottish business, industry and consumers?. 41

Question 16: What, if any, should the role of government be in supporting more resilient supply chains? 42

Question 17: What, if any, do you think are the business and innovation opportunities arising from climate change in Scotland?. 43

Question 18: What, if any, support would be required to encourage businesses in Scotland to take advantage of innovation opportunities arising from climate change?. 45

Question 19: How could the Scottish Government support communities impacted by climate change across the world? 47

Question 20: Scotland is known for its excellence in climate change research. Are there international adaptation-focused research opportunities which Scottish-based academic work should focus on?. 49

Question 21: What do you see as the main barrier to private investment for adaptation action? 51

Question 22: How can the Scottish Government support or incentivise more private investment in adaptation action? 52

Question 23: The proposed approach to monitoring and evaluating progress of the Adaptation Plan is set out below. Do you agree with the proposed approach to monitoring adaptation?. 54

Question 24: Do you have suggestions of data or indicators that could be used to track adaptation outcomes in Scotland? 55

Question 25: What, if any, impacts do you think this Adaptation Plan will have on groups/individuals who share protected characteristics?. 58

Question 26: In respect to protected characteristics, what, if any, measures could be taken to strengthen any positive impacts or lessen any negative impacts of the draft Adaptation Plan?. 59

Question 27: What, if any, impacts do you think the proposed Adaptation Plan will have on inequality caused by socio-economic disadvantage?. 60

Question 28: In respect to inequality caused by socio-economic disadvantage, what, if any, measures could be taken to strengthen any positive impacts or lessen any negative impacts of the draft Adaptation Plan? 62

Question 29: What, if any, impact do you think the Adaptation Plan will have on children’s rights and wellbeing? 63

Question 30: What, if any, measures could be taken to strengthen any positive impacts or lessen any negative impacts of the draft Adaptation Plan on children's rights and wellbeing?. 64

Question 31: What, if any, impacts do you think the Adaptation Plan will have on Island communities? 65

Question 32: What, if any, measures could be taken to strengthen any positive impacts or lessen any negative impacts of the draft Adaptation Plan on Island communities?. 67


Email: AdaptationConsultation@gov.scot

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