
Draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy 2019: consultation analysis report

Report summarising and analysing the responses received during the consultation period (18 December 2019 and 25 March 2020) for our draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy.

Appendix A Consultation Questions

1. Do you support the selection of the following draft Plan Options?

2. Do you agree with the definition of commercial scale offshore wind farm projects as being projects being capable of generating over 100 MW of electricity?"

3. Do you agree that the scientific evidence presented demonstrates that DPOs NE2-6 and E3 are subject to high levels ornithological constraint and, therefore, the mitigation measures outlined in the draft Plan should be applied to these DPOs?

4. Do you agree that the scientific evidence presented demonstrates the requirements for further regional-level survey work within DPOs E1 and E2?

5. Do you have any comments regarding the proposed approach to iterative plan review?

6. Do you have any comments regarding the proposed formation and role of the Advisory Group?

7. Do you have any further comments or points that you think should be taken into account in the plan?

8. Do you have any comments on the Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report?

9. Do you have any comments on the Habitats Regulations Appraisal?

10. Do you have any comments on the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment?

11. Do you have any comments on the draft Regional Locational Guidance?

12. Do you have any comments on the Sustainability Appraisal Report?

13. Would you add or change anything in the partial Equality Impact Assessment?

14. Would you add or change anything in the partial Islands Communities Impact Assessment?



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