
Offshore wind energy: draft sectoral marine plan

The Plan aims to identify the most sustainable plan options for the future development of commercial-scale offshore wind energy in Scotland.

List Of Abbreviations

AoS - Areas of Search

CCC - Committee on Climate Change

CES - Crown Estate Scotland

CfD - Contracts for Difference

cSAC - Candidate Special Area of Conservation

DPO - Draft Plan Option

EMEC - European Marine Energy Centre

EMR - Electricity Market Reform

EOWDC - European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre

EU - European Union

EV - Electric Vehicles

GHG - Greenhouse Gas

GW - Gigawatt

HIE - Highlands and Islands Enterprise

HRA - Habitats Regulations Appraisal

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

JNCC - Joint Nature Conservation Committee

LCOE - Levelised Cost of Energy

MGN - Marine Guidance Note

MOD - Ministry of Defence

MPA - Marine Protected Area

MW - Megawatt

NGO - Non-Governmental Organisations

NM - Nautical Miles

N-RIP - National Renewables Infrastructure Plan

O&C - Opportunity and Constraint

O&M - Operations and Maintenance

ORE - Catapult Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

PMF - Priority Marine Features

pMPA - Possible Marine Protected Area

pSPA - Proposed Special Protection Area

RLG - Regional Locational Guidance

SA - Sustainability Appraisal

SAC - Special Area of Conservation

SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEIA - Socio Economic Impact Assessment

SLVIA - Seascape, landscape and visual impact assessment

SMP - Sectoral Marine Plan

SNCB - Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies

SNH - Scottish Natural Heritage

SOWEC - Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council

SPA - Special Protection Area

TCE - The Crown Estate

The Plan - The Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind

UK - Sector Deal The UK Sector Deal for Offshore Wind

UXO - Unexploded Ordnance



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