Offshore wind energy - draft sectoral marine plan: sustainability appraisal

The sustainability appraisal considers the potential environmental, social and economic effects of the sectoral marine plan, including potential development scenarios and alternatives to them, drawing on information contained in the SEA, HRA and SEIA.

Appendix A Abbreviations

AA: Appropriate Assessment

AEOI: Adverse Effects On Integrity

BRIA: Business and Regulatory Impact Appraisal

CAA: Civil Aviation Authority

CCS: Carbon Capture and Storage

CEC: Crown Estate Commissioners

DPO: Draft Plan Option

EC: European Commission

EDPR: EDP Renewables

EIA: Environmental Impact Appraisal

EMF: Electro-Magnetic Frequency

EOWDC: European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre

ER: Environmental Report

EU: European Union

FTE: Full Time Equivalent

GEN: General Planning Policy

GIS: Geographic Information System

GVA: Gross Value Added

GW: Gigawatt

HM: Her Majesty

HMR: Helicopter Main Routes

HRA: Habitats Regulations Assessment

HVDC: High Voltage Direct Current

INNS: Invasive Non-Native Species

IPR: Iterative Project Review

JNCC: Joint Nature Conservation Committee

LSE: Likely Significant Effects

MARP: Marine Archaeology Reporting Plan

MCA: Maritime and Coastguard Agency

MGN: Marine Guidance Note

MOD: Ministry of Defence

MPA: Marine Protected Area

MW: Megawatt

NE: North East

NM: Nautical Mile

OSPAR: Oslo Paris Agreement

OWF: Offshore Wind Farm

PPS: Plan, programme, or strategy

RAF: Royal Air Force

RLG: Regional Locational Guidance

RYA: Royal Yachting Association

SA: Sustainability Appraisal

SAC: Special Area of Conservation

SEA: Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEIA: Socio-economic Impact Assessment

SIC: Standard Industrial Classification

SNH: Scottish Natural Heritage

SPA: Special Protection Area

SW: South West

UK: United Kingdom

WFD: Water Framework Directive



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