
Draft Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Renewable Energy in Scottish Waters - Environmental Report Appendix D: Draft Plan Options Assessment

Appendix D to the SEA Environmental Report of the Draft Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Renewable Energy in Scottish Waters.

This appendix contains a Draft Plan Options Assessment.


1. Informed by SNH (2013) SNHi, Interactive Map [online] Available at: [accessed 09/04/2013]

2. Informed by Scottish Government (2011) Scotland's Marine Atlas: Information for the National Marine Plan, pg. 144 - 159.

3. Informed by SEPA (2012) Water Classification report: 2007 - 2011 [online] Available at: [accessed 10/04/2013]

4. Informed by Wallingford H.R. (1997) Coastal Cells in Scotland, SNH Research, Survey and Monitoring Report [online] Available at: [accessed 10/04/2013]

5. Informed by the Wind, Wave and Tidal Regional Locational Guidance, British Geological Society datasets, European University Information Systems ( EUNIS) data and BERR Atlas of UK Marine Renewable Energy Resources (available at:

6. Informed by the Scottish Government's Wind, Wave and Tidal Regional Locational Guidance ( RLG) and Historic Scotland

7. Informed by Scottish Government (2009) Environment, Map of National Scenic Areas [online] Available at: [accessed 09/04/2013]

8. Informed by the Wind, Wave and Tidal Regional Locational Guidance, British Geological Society datasets and European University Information Systems ( EUNIS) data.

9. Informed by Wallingford H.R. (1997) Coastal Cells in Scotland, SNH Research, Survey and Monitoring Report [online] Available at: [accessed 10/04/2013]

10. Informed by SEPA (2012) Water Classification report: 2007 - 2011 [online] Available at: [accessed 10/04/2013]

11. The recently adopted Aberdeenshire LDP does not identify local landscape designations. The Aberdeenshire Council intends producing further planning advice on landscape character areas which will highlight areas of increased landscape sensitivity, reflecting those areas formerly designated as Areas of Landscape Significance ( ALS) in the previous Aberdeenshire Local Plan.

12. The recently adopted Aberdeenshire LDP does not identify local landscape designations. The Aberdeenshire Council intends producing further planning advice on landscape character areas which will highlight areas of increased landscape sensitivity, reflecting those areas formerly designated as Areas of Landscape Significance ( ALS) in the previous Aberdeenshire Local Plan.

13. Informed by the Wind, Wave and Tidal Regional Locational Guidance, British Geological Society datasets and European University Information Systems ( EUNIS) data.


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