
Draft Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Renewable Energy in Scottish Waters: Socio - Economic Assesment

The study reported here provides a high level socio-economic appraisal of the potential costs and benefits to activities that may arise as a result of offshore wind, wave or tidal development within the Draft Plan Options as part of possible future Scotti


S1. National PV Costs (and GVA impacts for fisheries) in £millions for Offshore Wind (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m))

S2. National PV Costs (and GVA impacts for fisheries) in £millions for Wave Energy (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m))

S3. National PV Costs (and GVA impacts for fisheries) in £millions for Tidal Energy (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m))

S4. Discounted PV costs (GVA for fisheries) in £millions for all technologies (numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

1. Indicative Occupancy of Draft Option Plan Areas

2. Definition of areas of social impact

3. Initial list of groups who may be affected

4. Definition of services included under each key area

5. Multipliers for comparison with the Scottish 2007 multipliers (Type I)

6. Allocation of expenditure types to industry groups

7. Activities Scoped in by Site for Offshore Wind

8. Activities Scoped in by Site for Tide

9. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Offshore Wind in South West Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

10. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

11. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

12. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

13. Present Value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Tidal Energy in South West Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

14. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

15. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

16. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

17. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Offshore Wind in the West Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

18. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

19. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

20. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

21. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Wave Energy in the West Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

22. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

23. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

24. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

25. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Tidal Energy in the West Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

26. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

27. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

28. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

29. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Offshore Wind in the North West Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

30. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

31. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

32. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

33. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Wave Energy in the North West Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

34. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

35. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

36. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

37. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Offshore Wind in the North Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

38. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

39. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

40. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

41. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Wave Energy in the North Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

42. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

43. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

44. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

45. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Tidal Energy in the North Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

46. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

47. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

48. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

49. Present value (PV) costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Offshore Wind in the North East Region (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

50. Identification of the social impacts and their significance

51. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

52. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

53. National PV Costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Offshore Wind (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m))

54. National PV Costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Wave Energy (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m))

55. National PV Costs (and GVA for fisheries) in £millions for Tidal Energy (costs discounted over assessment period, 2012 prices, numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m))

56. Discounted PV Costs (GVA for fisheries) in £millions for all technologies within South West Region (numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

57. Combined distributional analysis (location, age and gender) South West

58. Distributional analysis (income and social groups) South West

59. Discounted PV Costs (GVA for fisheries) in £millions for all technologies within West Region (numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

60. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender) West

61. Distributional analysis (income and social groups) West

62. Discounted PV Costs (GVA for fisheries) in £millions for all technologies within North West Region (numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

63. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender) North West

64. Distributional analysis (income and social groups) North West

65. Discounted PV Costs (GVA for fisheries) in £millions for all technologies within North Region (numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

66. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender) North

67. Distributional analysis (income and social groups) North

68. Discounted PV Costs (GVA for fisheries) in £millions for all technologies within North East Region (numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)

69. Distributional analysis (location, age and gender)

70. Distributional analysis (income and social groups)

71. Discounted PV Costs (GVA for fisheries) in £millions for all technologies (numbers rounded to nearest £0.01m)


1. Draft Plan Option areas for Offshore Wind and Scottish Offshore Renewable Energy Regions

2. Draft Plan Option areas for Wave Energy and Scottish Offshore Renewable Energy Regions

3. Draft Plan Option areas for Tidal Energy and Scottish Offshore Renewable Energy Regions

4. Existing Offshore Renewable Energy Developments


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