
Draft Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Renewable Energy in Scottish Waters: Socio - Economic Assesment

The study reported here provides a high level socio-economic appraisal of the potential costs and benefits to activities that may arise as a result of offshore wind, wave or tidal development within the Draft Plan Options as part of possible future Scotti

Appendix E. Initial Letter to Stakeholders

Developing the Socio-Economic Evidece Base for Offshore Renewable Sectoral Marine Plans in Scottish Territorial Water Inception Report

ABPmer, in association with economic consultants Risk & Policy Analysts ( RPA), has been commissioned by Marine Scotland to develop the socio-economic evidence base to inform the impact assessment for draft offshore renewable sectoral marine plans by identifying those activities ( i.e. those that take place in marine waters or on the immediate foreshore) that may experience socio-economic impacts as a result of offshore wind, wave and tidal development under the plans. The study forms part of Marine Scotland's overall approach to sustainability appraisal of the draft plans, encompassing Strategic Environmental Assessment, Habitats Regulations Appraisal, Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment and stakeholder consultation.

The aims of this study are to:

  • Ascertain the extent to which activities already take place in areas identified as potential plan options for offshore renewables (wind, wave and tidal);
  • To explore how those activities may be affected by the development of offshore renewables in the plan option areas; and
  • To estimate the potential economic and social consequences arising from any potential interactions.

It is being overseen by a Project Steering Group ( PSG) drawn from staff within Marine Scotland and wider Scottish Government representatives, together with a broader Project Advisory Group ( PAG) which includes a selection of stakeholders who will provide wider guidance to the project.

The study will build on the information gathered during the baseline review and data gap analysis which was undertaken earlier in the year, found on the links below:

As part of the study we may wish to contact you to discuss the availability of additional data, the detailed methodologies that we intend to use to quantify potential socio-economic impacts and/or the findings of our draft assessments.

The timescales for our project are tightly controlled by the needs of Marine Scotland and we are looking to provide the PSG with a draft report by 15 February 2013.

I would be grateful if you could indicate your willingness to contribute to this study if approached by replying to this email. If you think another individual within your organisation or another organisation is better placed to provide input, please let us know. A list of organisations contacted is attached.


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