
Draft Sectoral Marine Plans for Offshore Renewable Energy in Scottish Waters: Socio - Economic Assesment

The study reported here provides a high level socio-economic appraisal of the potential costs and benefits to activities that may arise as a result of offshore wind, wave or tidal development within the Draft Plan Options as part of possible future Scotti


1. For the purpose of this study 'Activities' are defined as being those that take place in marine waters, or on the immediate foreshore.



4. Marine Scotland (2012): Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011, September 2012, downloaded from the Scottish Government website:

5. The assumption is that costs of less than 5% of turnover could be absorbed without causing knock-on effects on GVA or employment.


7. For the purpose of this study 'Activities' are defined as being those that take place in marine waters, or on the immediate foreshore.



10. For example, Marine Scotland, 2011 assumes that deployment of offshore wind within medium term sites for Scottish Territorial Waters occurs up to 2030.

11. For the purposes of this study, the potential for far field effects from arrays has been assumed to be present in respect of the following receptors: impacts to coastline, radar interference, underwater communication interference, impacts to landscape/seascape (affecting tourism and water sports receptors), impacts to aquaculture, ecotourism impacts and impacts arising from changes to underwater noise. A potential for far field impacts arising from these impact pathways has been assumed to occur when the activity is located within 5 or 10km of Draft Plan Option area boundaries (depending on the receptor - see Appendix B for details of methodology applied for each sectoral activity).

12. Where the projected area occupied by arrays under a given scenario was <5% of the total Draft Plan Option area, consideration was given to the likely potential to avoid a significant interaction with an activity.

13. Based on Scottish Government Urban/Rural Classification (6-fold) and Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics by datazone.

14. The impact of developments will probably be greater on less affluent sailors who generally have smaller, less powerful boats without all electronic aids and who rely on skill and good seamanship.

15. University of Strathclyde (2002): Input-Output multiplier study of the UK and Scottish fish catching and fish processing sectors, Final Report, October 2002:

16. Marine Scotland (2012): Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2011, September 2012, downloaded from the Scottish Government website:

17. The assumption is that costs of less than 5% of turnover could be absorbed without causing knock-on effects on GVA or employment.

18. The target, as set out in the Pre Consultation Draft Marine Plan (see here ) are as follows:

a. By 2020:

b. To increase the sustainable production of marine finfish at a rate of 4% per annum to achieve a 50% increase in current production.

19. The target, as set out in the Pre Consultation Draft Marine Plan (see here 2011/03/21114728/14#a3) are as follows:

a. By 2020:

b. To increase the sustainable production of shellfish, mussels especially, by at least 100%.

20. Military locations/installations included: army bases, explosive jetties, firing ranges, fuel jetties, naval bases, noise ranges, military ports, RAF bases, Royal Navy ( RN) armament depots, RN personnel accommodation, Search and Rescue ( SAR) bases and sonar buoy developments.

21. See VisitScotland Internet site ( The definition of sport includes casual participation in physical recreations such as walking (2+ miles), dance, darts and snooker/billiards/pool as well as more organised sports.

22. For the purposes of this study, the definition of 'seascape' has been taken from DTI (2005) in which it is stated that seascape is a term for: " the coastal landscape and adjoining areas of open water, including views from land to sea, from sea to land and along the coastline" and describes "the effect of landscape at the confluence of sea and land.

23. Taken from summary provided on the Parliament UK Website:

24. For the purposes of this study, the definition of 'seascape' has been taken from DTI (2005) in which it is stated that seascape is a term for: " the coastal landscape and adjoining areas of open water, including views from land to sea, from sea to land and along the coastline" and describes "the effect of landscape at the confluence of sea and land.

25. Seascape capacity was evaluated by assessing character sensitivity, visual sensitivity and seascape value of seascape units around the Scottish coast. Calculated seascape values ranged from 1 (lowest score) to 5 (highest score) and relates to how much a seascape can absorb or accommodate development without fundamental change in character (Scott et al, 2005).

26. Small sail boat locations were based on RYA racing and sailing areas or sailing clubs which support small sail boat (dingy) activities as identified in the baseline report.

27. Based on SSACN observation that the great majority of recreational angling occurs within 6nm of the coast.

28. Public Exhibition material UK, November 2012; available via the NorthConnect website:;

29. Note - although the Draft Plan Option OWNE2 was scoped into the assessment ( Table C13.1), due to the adjacent coastline having a Capacity Index score of 1, and no area of overlap with the 10km buffer around the Draft Plan Option (see Section B13.5.5), no cost impact assessment was undertaken.

30. HDD is a steerable trenchless method of installing underground pipes, conduits and cables in a shallow arc along a prescribed bore path by using a surface-launched drilling rig, with minimal impact on the surrounding area.

31. Based on a 2011 questionnaire survey undertaken by Canoe Scotland

32. Under the Low Case and Medium Case scenarios overlap was less than 1%.


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