
Draft Self-directed Support Statutory Guidance on care and support

A public consultation on draft statutory guidance to accompany the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013

Case Study Stories

The draft guidance contains a range of case study stories - narratives describing people's experience of assessment, support planning and support. The case study stories seek to illustrate the substantive text and to provide simple, practical examples to professionals.

We would like to encourage you to provide your case studies for inclusion in the final version of the guidance. The Scottish Government are keen to receive as many good quality case study stories as possible from local authorities, provider, user-led organisations and any other person or organisation involved in social care and support. This is a key aspect of the development of the guidance, which is seen as a collaborative project involving all partners in care and support. While we cannot guarantee that all case studies will be used in the final statutory guidance, we may be able to include your case study in one of the best practice guides which will accompany the final statutory guidance.

Guidance for submitting your case studies:

  • A good case study will explain the background, describe the problem/challenge that was faced, the steps that were taken to address the problem/challenge and the final outcome that was achieved. It will provide practical information and advice and relate that information to the surrounding guidance.
  • The majority of the case studies provided in the draft guidance relate to the direct payment option. We would like to encourage case studies that cover the entire journey for the individual and all of the options under the 2013 Act - i.e. the "direct the available support" (individual service funds etc.) and the "arranged service" option as well as the direct payment option.
  • A good case study will illustrate difficult or challenging issues and how these were resolved/overcome, are encouraged - i.e. not simply the "positive" stories but the difficult stories where challenges were identified and resolved.
  • The case study should be no more than 350 words in length
  • It should be written in plain English
  • It may be based on a real life example but it should be anonymous - i.e. the names of the individuals involved should be changed along with any other key identifying characteristics. You should provide confirmation that the individuals to whom the case study relates have provided their consent for their case study to be submitted to the Scottish Government.

If you would like to attach a case study please attach it as a separate word document alongside your main consultation response.

Please use the following template when providing your case study/studies:


Email: Adam Milne

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