Draft Suspension of Assistance (Social Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2021: equality impact assessment (EQIA)

The Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) considers potential effects of the Suspension of Assistance (Social Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 and how it impacts on people with one or more protected characteristics.


1 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2018/9/contents/enacted

2 https://www.parliament.scot/bills-and-laws/bills/social-security-administration-and-tribunal-membership-scotland-bill

3 8.7 million people report experiencing economic abuse - Refuge Charity - Domestic Violence Help

4 Controlling money, controlling lives - Citizens Advice

5 Scottish Government (2017) Analysis of Written Responses to the Consultation on Social Security in Scotland

6 Scottish Government (2017) Social Security Experience Panels - About Your Benefits and You: quantitative research findings

7 Scottish Government (2019) Disability assistance in Scotland: analysis of consultation responses

8 The Financial Abuse of Older People: a review of the literature (accessed 04/05/2021) financialabuse240408[1].pdf (cpa.org.uk)

9 Financial Abuse evidence review (accessed 04/05/2021) Financial Abuse Evidence Review (ageuk.org.uk)

10 Scottish Health Survey (2018) https://www.gov.scot/publications/scottish-health-survey-2018-supplementary-tables/

11 DWP Stat Xplore (accessed 05/05/2021): Stat-Xplore - Log in (dwp.gov.uk)

12 Researching the financial abuse of individuals lacking mental capacity (core.ac.uk)

13 Disability and crime - Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk)

14 Economics-of-Abuse-Report-2019.pdf (womensaid.org.uk)

15 Domestic abuse: statistics 2018-2019 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

16 Microsoft Word - controlling-money-controlling-lives (1).doc (citizensadvice.org.uk)

17 Lanning, T (2013) Great Expectations. Exploring the promises of gender equality. London IPPR

18 Sharp-Jeffs, N (2016) Money matters: Research into the extent and nature of financial abuse within intimate relationships in the UK

19 Research: Domestic Abuse in LGBT Communities - KSS CRC

20 Sharp-Jeffs, N (2016) ibid.

21 LGBT+ People’s Experiences of Domestic Abuse – Galop

22 Scottish Census 2011

23 Social Security Experience Panels - ethnic minorities: report - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

24 Home Office (2019) Asylum and resettlement datasets, Immigration statistics data tables year ending June 2019, Resettlement by Local Authority

25 Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland - A Comprehensive Analysis of the 2011 Census - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

26 Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20 (data.gov.scot)

27 8.7 million people report experiencing economic abuse - Refuge Charity - Domestic Violence Help

28 Scottish Government (2019) Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2019: intra-household distribution of resources


Email: niall.wilson@gov.scot

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