Draft Suspension of Assistance (Social Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2021: Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment
Assesses the impact of the Suspension of Assistance (Social Security) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 on socio-economic inequality. It considers issues such as low income, low wealth and area deprivation.
2 Scottish Government (2017) Analysis of Written Responses to the Consultation on Social Security in Scotland
3 Scottish Government (2017) Social Security Experience Panels - About Your Benefits and You: quantitative research findings
4 Scottish Government (2019) Disability assistance in Scotland: analysis of consultation responses
6 https://www.npi.org.uk/files/3414/7087/2429/Disability_and_poverty_MAIN_REPORT_FINAL.pdf
7 https://www.gov.scot/publications/poverty-perspective-typology-poverty-scotland/pages/5/
9 https://www.jrf.org.uk/income-and-benefits/
10 sg_policy_brief_on_persons_with_disabilities_final.pdf (un.org)
11 Cooper and Stewart (2017), Does money affect children's outcomes?, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
Email: niall.wilson@gov.scot
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