Drivers and barriers to uptake of early learning and childcare among two year olds

Research commissioned from Ipsos MORI to examine factors affecting the uptake of free early learning and childcare (ELC) for two-year-olds.

Appendix B: In-depth interviews with stakeholders: discussion guide

Drivers And Barriers To ELC

Discussion guide for local stakeholders - V1

Introduction (5 Mins)

  • Introduce self, Ipsos MORI
  • Thanks for taking part
  • Duration of interview - around 45 minutes
  • Explain that Ipsos MORI is an independent research company. We've been commissioned by the Scottish Government to undertake research to explore the drivers and barriers to the uptake of free ELC for 2 year olds.
  • Explain anonymity and the limits to this
  • Recording - will be transcribed for research team's use only, securely stored and deleted after project.
  • Check Consent To Record
  • Any questions?

Background On Their Role And Involvment In ELC For 2 Year Olds (10 Mins)

Could you briefly tell me a little bit about your background and your current role?

And in relation to the introduction and implementation of free ELC for certain 2 year olds, what has your role/involvement been?

Overall, how do you feel the initiative has gone in your area?

Probe: What have been the main challenges?

What has worked well?

How has the scheme been promoted in your area?

Probe Who has been involved?

How do you advertise?

Where do people get information?

How does your application process work?

Probe: Is there support with registering or applying?

Data On Levels Of Uptake (5 Mins)

Do you know what the level of uptake has been in your LA and how that compares with other areas? Give Them The Figures We Have If They Don’t Know/Have Conflicting Information

Is this higher or lower than you expected?

Do you know if this has changed much over time or what the most recent figures are?

Do you know which particular groups of parents are taking it up/not taking it up?

Prompt: different localities? Different circumstances (e.g. working parents)? Single parents? Those with other children? Where do you get your information on uptake?

Where do you get your data on uptake from?

Probe: do you use national data published by the SG or your own local data?,

Are you confident in the accuracy of your local data?

If No: do you know if any steps have been taken to improve it? How could it be improved?

What (further) data on uptake would you find most useful?

Barriers To Uptake (10 Mins)

What do you think the main barriers to uptake are?

Probe: awareness

application process

nature of the provision

practical/logistical issues

Are there different barriers among different groups of parents?

Are there any myths/misunderstandings that need to be overcome?

What questions and concerns do parents raise when they first hear about it?

If parents don't take up the offer having found out a bit about it - do you know why this is?

Good Practice Examples (10 Mins)

What do you think has worked well in your area in relation encouraging uptake?

Probe: awareness

application process

nature of the provision

overcoming practical/logistical issues

What lessons have you learned over time?

Have you had to adapt your marketing approach/targeting strategy/models of delivery due to lower than expected uptake?

Probe: what did you change and why?

Is there anything that was tried that didn't work well?

Have you worked with any other partners or agencies locally?

Are you aware of anything that's been done in other LAs that's worked well? In England?

Has there been any unintended consequences of the scheme that you are aware of?

Probe: effects on other providers, services, etc?

Increasing Uptake (10 Mins)

What steps do you think would be most effective in increasing uptake?

Probe: awareness

application process

nature of the provision

overcoming practical/logistical issues

What do you think should be the priority?

Who needs to be involved?

What could be done at a Scotland-wide level?

What support would help

Probe: at a national level

at a local level

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Thank And Close

How to access background or source data

The data collected for this social research publication may be made available on request, subject to consideration of legal and ethical factors. Please contact for further information.


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