Drug and alcohol workforce: learning directory

Learning opportunities for those working with people affected by substance use.

Providing Harm Reduction Advice 

Alcohol and Older Adults

This 3-hour interactive workshop will help you support wellbeing among older adults, by increasing your understanding and knowledge of the impact that alcohol-related harm has on older individuals, others around them, and wider society.

Provider: Alcohol Focus Scotland
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Alcohol and older adults | Alcohol Focus Scotland

Alcohol Awareness

This 3-hour interactive workshop is aimed at anyone seeking to better understand alcohol, its impact, and ways in which people can provide basic support and signposting to services when working with people affected by alcohol use.

Provider: Alcohol Focus Scotland
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Alcohol awareness | Alcohol Focus Scotland 

Alcohol: Health

Provides a range of resources which discuss the health impacts of alcohol.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Health

Alcohol: Prevalence

Provides a range of resources from across the world on alcohol prevalence.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Prevalence

Alcohol Treatment and Recovery

Provides a range of resources outlining the impact of treatment and recovery strategies and services for alcohol.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Health 

Bacterial Infections and Drug Use 

This online course will help you spot the signs and symptoms of a bacterial infection. It focuses on the signs and symptoms of a bacterial infection, and gives an overview of different bacterial infection outbreaks in Scotland, and harm reduction information related to bacterial infections.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Bacterial Infection e-learning course

Cocaine and Other Psychostimulants

People who use cocaine or other psychostimulants are not as likely to come to treatment services. That means those working in mental health services or other surrounding treatment services and have an opportunity to provide harm reduction information. This course will support you to learn that information.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Cocaine and other Psychostimulants 

Contraception Information for People Who Use Drugs 

If you support people who use drugs this online course will support you to understand what different methods of contraception are available. The course presents different methods of contraception in an easy-to-understand way so that you can identify which methods are long-acting and reversible.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Contraception information for people who use drugs  

Core Knowledge and Key Practice Skills for The Provision of Effective Help to People Who Use Drugs

This foundation course is designed to communicate the core knowledge and key practice skills required by people who want to be able to provide effective help to people who use drugs. It includes a free certificated assessment to confirm your knowledge and competence.

Provider: Exchange Supplies
Cost: Free
Find out more: Exchange Training

Developing Mental Health Resources (MAT 6, 9 and 10)

These modules provide an overview of the major co-occurring disorders, prevalence and evidence-based interventions, with a focus on integrated approaches for working with both together.  

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland
Cost: Free
Find out more: Developing mental health resources (MAT 6, 9 and 10)

Developing Physical Health Resources (MAT 6, 9 and 10)

Provides information and signposts to resources that outline how workers can protect the physical health of service users. It is essential to consider co-occurring physical health concerns which increase risk of harm and death.

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland
Cost: Free
Find out more: Developing physical health resources (MAT 6, 9 and 10)


Drugs: Bloodborne Viruses 

Provides a range of resources outlining the prevalence of and approaches to address bloodborne viruses.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Blood borne viruses

Drugs: Harm Reduction

Provides a range of resources discussing the prevalence and impact of different harm reduction services.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Harm reduction

Drugs: Health

Provides a range of resources which discuss the health impacts of drug use.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Health

Drugs: Prevalence

Provides a range of resources from across the world on drug prevalence.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Prevalence

Drugs and Bugs: An Introduction to Outbreaks of Bacterial Infection

This course raises awareness of bacterial infection, its effects on people who use drugs and improve responses to any potential outbreak.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Drugs & Bugs – An Introduction to Outbreaks of Bacterial Infection - Scottish Drugs Forum

Drug-Specific Training (i.e. cocaine, cannabis, MDMA, benzodiazepines, etc)

These sessions focus on a specific drug: the legislation, risk factors, side effects, harm reduction and support services available.

Provider: Crew
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Training (crew.scot)

Drugs: Treatment and Recovery

Provides a range of resources outlining the impact of treatment and recovery strategies and services.

Provider: DrugWise
Cost: Free
Find out more: Treatment and recovery


Drug Trends and Harm Reduction Training

This course discusses the key trends within local areas, national trends, and drug effects, and harm reduction strategies.

Provider: Crew
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Training (crew.scot)


Enhanced Alcohol Awareness

This full-day course offers a more in depth look at the alcohol awareness course ran by Alcohol Focus Scotland. The training will enhance any existing basic knowledge on alcohol and its harm as well as update skills. You will consider examples of good communication with others and where to signpost people affected by alcohol for help and support.

Provider: Alcohol Focus Scotland
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more:  Enhanced alcohol awareness | Alcohol Focus Scotland


Facilitating Disclosures of Selling or Exchanging Sex

This course aims to increase workers’ skills and confidence in managing disclosures of selling or exchanging sex. It explores barriers and motivators to women’s disclosures and outlines key considerations for support providers.

Provider: CSE Aware
Cost: Free
Find out more: Training - CSE AWARE


Giving Naloxone

This free e-learning provides vital information on when and how to administer different kinds of Naloxone. It includes a free assessment to confirm your knowledge and competence.

Provider: Exchange Supplies
Cost: Free
Find out more: Exchange Training

Harm Reduction for Festivals and Night-Time Venues

This training focuses on the demands of nightlife services including drugs (including alcohol) side effects and harm reduction, sexual health, de-escalation, spiking and drug related emergencies.

Provider: Crew
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Training (crew.scot)

Hepatitis B in Scotland

This e-learning course is designed to help you understand hepatitis B. It allows learners to be able to define hepatitis B, describe acute and chronic hepatitis B, summarise who is at risk and identify who should get tested. 

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more:  Hepatitis B in Scotland

Introduction to Harm Reduction

This introductory course will support an awareness of the main drug related harms and understanding of the principles of harm reduction.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Introduction to Harm Reduction - Scottish Drugs Forum


Managing Alcohol and Drugs in The Workplace

This interactive, 3-hour workshop will ensure that managers have the essential skills, knowledge, and confidence to recognise and address alcohol and other drug related issues in the workplace.

Provider: Alcohol Focus Scotland
Please contact provider
Find out more:
Managing alcohol and drugs in the workplace | Alcohol Focus Scotland


Needle and Syringe Programme Practitioner Training

This certificated training will allow you to build the skills and knowledge needed to deliver effective needle exchange services at all levels.  It includes a free certificated assessment.

Provider: Exchange Supplies
Cost: Free

Find out more: Exchange Training

Naloxone (1 Hour)

This is training on the opioid antagonist naloxone, that reverses an overdose whilst seeking further assistance. This training provides information on how to reduce drug related deaths. The training includes information on current drug trends, adulterants and how to administer naloxone (nasal and injectable*). *If over 16 years old.

Provider: Crew
Cost: Please contact provider
Find out more: Training (crew.scot)

Overdose Awareness and Naloxone

Helps services, organisations or community groups learn the signs and symptoms of overdose and learn how to administer naloxone. It will also help you to understand drug use in the context of drug-related deaths in Scotland.

Provider: Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
Cost: Free
Find out more: Overdose Awareness and Naloxone - SFAD

Overdose Prevention, Intervention and Naloxone

This e-learning course will show you how to administer Naloxone. This course will allow you to learn facts about drug-related deaths in Scotland, how to identify an overdose and how to respond to an overdose. There is also learning on how Naloxone works and how you can use it.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Overdose Prevention, Intervention and Naloxone e-learning

Potluck - An Introduction to Cannabis and Synthetic Varieties for Frontline Workers

An online course that will give you an introduction to cannabis, and synthetic varieties. It explores the effects of cannabinoids and harm reduction techniques specifically related to cannabinoids.

Provider: Scottish Drugs Forum
Cost: Free
Find out more: Potluck - An introduction to cannabis and synthetic varieties for front line workers


Psychosocial Interventions for Relapse Prevention and Recovery (MAT 6, 9 and 10)

Provides an overview of structured psychosocial and psychological interventions that are important for those working with people using substances and resources for knowledge and skills development

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland
Cost: Free
Find out more: Psychosocial interventions for relapse prevention and recovery (MAT 6, 9 and 10)

Reducing Alcohol and Other Drug Related Deaths (MAT 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10)

Provides an overview of some of the strategies used to reduce deaths from substances in Scotland and signposts to other helpful resources. This includes details on risk reduction, alcohol brief interventions and suicide prevention. 

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland
Cost: Free
Find out more: Reducing alcohol and other drug related deaths (MAT 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10)

Safety strategies for women who sell or exchange sex

An online training session for frontline practitioners exploring the issues of risk, harm and safety related to the lives of women selling and exchanging sex and considers the safety strategies that women might use substances.

Provider: CSE Aware
Cost: Free
Find out more: Training - CSE AWARE

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