
Drug Driving: Proposed Regulations – Analysis of Consultation Responses

This report relates to Scottish responses to a joint public consultation undertaken by the UK Government and the Scottish Government in relation to proposals for new regulations on drug driving limits. The responses to the consultation will help to inform decisions about whether Scottish regulations should be brought forward under the Crime and Courts Act 2013 and if so, what policy approach should be adopted for the setting of drug driving limits for specific types of drug.

Annex 2: Number of Responses Received, by Question

Question Number of organisational responses Number of individual responses Total number of responses
Q1 Do you agree with the Government's proposed approach as set out in policy option 1? If not please provide your reason(s). 39 4 43
Q2 Do you have any views on the alternative approaches as set out in policy option 2 and 3? 30 3 33
Q3 We have not proposed specified limits in urine as we believe it is not possible to establish evidence-based concentrations of drugs in urine which would indicate that the drug was having an effect on a person's nervous system. Do you agree with this (i.e. not setting limits in urine)? Is there any further evidence which the Government should consider? 23 1 24
Q4 Is the approach we are proposing to take when specifying a limit for cannabis reasonable for those who are driving and being prescribed with the cannabis based drug Sativex (which is used to treat Multiple Sclerosis)? If not what is the evidence to support your view? 29 3 32
Q5 Do you have a view as to what limit to set for amphetamine? If so please give your reason(s). 19 1 20
Q6 Are there any other medicines that we have not taken account of that would be caught by the 'lowest accidental exposure limit' we propose for the 8 illegal drugs? If so please give your reason(s). 22 0 22
Q7 Are you able to provide any additional evidence relating to the costs and benefits associated with the draft regulations as set out in the Impact Assessment at Annex D? For example:

i. Do you have a view on the amount of proceedings likely to be taken against those on the medical drugs proposed for inclusion under the approach in Policy Option 1? If so please give your reason(s).

ii. Do you have a view on the methodology used to estimate the amount of proceedings? If so please give your reason(s).

iii. Do you have a view on the methodology used to estimate the drug driving casualties baseline? If so please give your reason(s)

iv. Do you have a view on the methodology used to estimate the casualty savings? If so please give your reason(s).

v. Do you have a view on the methodology used to estimate those arrested on a credible medical defence under Policy Option 3? If so please give your reason(s).
9 0 9
Q8 Does any business have a view on whether the Government's proposals will have any impact on them, directly or indirectly? If so please give your reason(s). 15 0 15


Email: Mari Bremner

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