Drug Seizures by Scottish Police Forces, 2011-12

Drug seizures by Scottish police forces in 2011-12

Table 3b: The number of seizures of class A drugs made by police forces in Scotland by drug type, 2011-12


Drug Type Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian Lothian & Borders3 Northern Strathclyde Tayside Scotland
Cocaine 66 50 50 104 243 151 1,209 164 2,037
Crack - 3 0 224 8 4 83 14 336
Ecstasy-type Substances 10 11 18 28 32 104 162 69 434
Heroin 54 79 117 256 394 110 1,486 293 2,789
LSD - - 1 2 - 1 - 3 7
Methadone 10 10 14 32 49 15 108 15 253
Methylamphetamine - - - 1 NA 3 - - 4
Morphine 1 1 1 2 NA 1 19 11 36
Other class A2 - 1 1 10 - 6 15 2 35
Total1 141 155 202 659 726 395 2,939 571 5,788


1. Seizures involving more than one type of drug are counted as a single seizure in the total number of seizures but are counted separately against each individual drug type involved. For more information please see Note 3.3.1.

2. Figures for 'other class A drugs' include tapentadol, which became a controlled drug on 28 March 2011.

3. Lothian and Borders Police are unable to provide seizures figures for some drug types. For more information please see Note 3.3.6.


Email: Neil Henderson

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