Drugs and alcohol workforce action plan 2023 to 2026

Sets out the key actions we will deliver over the next three years to address challenges experienced by the drugs and alcohol sector's workforce.

Annex B: Glossary


A/RWTP - Addiction/Recovery Workers Trainee Programme

ADP - Alcohol and Drug Partnership

COSLA - Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

DAISy - Drug and Alcohol Information System

GPs - General Practitioners

MAT - Medication Assisted Treatment

NES - NHS Education for Scotland

NHS - National Health Service

NMCAG - National Mission Clinical Advisory Group

NTTP - National Trauma Training Programme

PHS - Public Health Scotland

RCGP - Royal College of General Practitioners

SDF - Scottish Drugs Forum

SFAD - Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs

SSSC - Scottish Social Services Council

SVQ - Scottish Vocational Qualification

TPTIC - Transforming Psychological Trauma Implementation Coordination Network

WEDG - Workforce Expert Delivery Group


Email: drugsandalcoholworkforce@gov.scot

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