Drugs and alcohol workforce action plan 2023 to 2026
Sets out the key actions we will deliver over the next three years to address challenges experienced by the drugs and alcohol sector's workforce.
Annex C: Workforce Expert Delivery Group Membership (WEDG)
Members of the WEDG were appointed individually, as representatives of their respective organisations and were expected to engage across their organisations regarding activity.
The table below provides a breakdown of those organisations that are currently, or have previously been represented on the WEDG.
Organisations Represented
Chair: NHS Dumfries and Galloway
- Alcohol & Drug Recovery Services, Greater Glasgow & Clyde
- Angus Integrated Drug & Alcohol Recovery Service
- Cyrenians
- Faces & Voices of Recovery UK
- Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services
- Glasgow Alcohol and Drugs Partnership
- Healthcare Improvement Scotland
- NHS Education for Scotland
- NHS Lanarkshire
- NHS Lanarkshire Drugs Research Network for Scotland
- Public Health Scotland
- Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drugs Recovery Services
- Royal College of Nursing
- Royal College of Psychiatrists
- Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
- Scottish Government
- Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems
- Scottish Recovery Consortium
- Scottish Social Services Council
- Social Work Scotland
- South Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drugs Partnership
- Turning Point Scotland
- Western Isles Alcohol and Drugs Partnership
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