Drugs and alcohol workforce action plan 2023 to 2026

Sets out the key actions we will deliver over the next three years to address challenges experienced by the drugs and alcohol sector's workforce.

Annex D: References

1. Scottish Government. National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care in Scotland, 2022.

2. Scottish Government. National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care in Scotland, 2022.

3. Scottish Government. National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care in Scotland, 2022.

4. Scottish Government. National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care in Scotland, 2022.

5. Scottish Government. National Drugs Mission Plan: 2022-2026.

6. Public Health Scotland. HEAT A11: Updated Drug and Alcohol Treatment Types. https://www.isdscotland.org/health-topics/waiting-times/drugs-and-alcohol/Docs/DATWT_TreatmentTypes_rev.pdf (Accessed August 2023).

7. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

8. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

9. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

10. Public Health Scotland. National Benchmarking Report on Implementation of The Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards: 2022/23. 2023

11. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Survey of Services, 2022.

12. Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce. Changing Lives: Our Final Report, 2022.

13. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

14. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

15. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

16. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

17. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

18. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

19. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

20. Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce. Changing Lives: Our Final Report, 2022.

21. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

22. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Survey of Services, 2022.

23. Scottish Government. National Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care in Scotland, 2022.

24. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

25. Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce. Changing Lives: Our Final Report, 2022.

26. Public Health Scotland. National Benchmarking Report on Implementation of the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards 2021/22. 2022.

27. Public Health Scotland. Supplementary Information For the National Benchmarking Report on Implementation of the Medication Assisted Treatment Standards 2021/22. 2022.

28. Public Health Scotland. National Benchmarking Report on Implementation of the Medication Assisted Treatment Standards 2022/23. 2023.

29. Scottish Government. Drug Deaths Taskforce Response: A Cross Government Approach. 2023.

30. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

31. Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce. Changing Lives: Our Final Report, 2022.

32. Scottish Government. Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards for Scotland: Access, Choice, Support. 2021.

33. Scottish Government. Evidence Review: Enablers and Barriers to Trauma-informed Systems, Organisations and Workforces. 2023.

34. NHS Education for Scotland. Transforming Psychological Trauma: A Knowledge and Skills Framework for the Scottish Workforce. 2017.

35. Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce. Changing Lives: Our Final Report, 2022.

36. NHS Education for Scotland. National Trauma Training Programme: The Leadership Pledge of Support. https://www.transformingpsychologicaltrauma.scot/working-together/pledge-for-partners/. (Accessed August 2023).

37. NHS Education for Scotland. National Trauma Training Programme: Trauma is Everyone’s Business. https://www.transformingpsychologicaltrauma.scot/. (Accessed August 2023).

38. Improvement Service. Alcohol and Drug Use and Trauma-Informed PRactice: Companion Document. https://www.improvementservice.org.uk/ data/assets/pdf_file/0015/31029/Alcohol-and-Drug-Use-Trauma-Companion-Pack.pdf. (Accessed August 2023).

39. https://www.transformingpsychologicaltrauma.scot/resources/national-trauma-training-programme-online-resources-summary/

40. Scottish Government. Drug Deaths Taskforce Response: A Cross Government Approach. 2023.

41. Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Drug Deaths Digital Hub. https://learning.rcpe.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=1430 (Accessed August 2023).

42. Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs. Learning Hub. https://www.sfad.org.uk/learning-hub (Accessed August 2023).

43. Scottish Government. Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards for Scotland: Access, Choice, Support. 2021.

44. Mental health and wellbeing : workforce action plan 2023-2025 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot).

45. Mental health and wellbeing strategy: delivery plan 2023-2025 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot).

46. NHS Education for Scotland. Transforming Psychological Trauma: A Knowledge and Skills Framework for the Scottish Workforce. 2017.

47. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

48. Scottish Drug Deaths Taskforce. Changing Lives: Our Final Report, 2022.

49. Medics Against Violence. Navigator. https://www.mav.scot/navigator/. (Accessed August 2023).

50. Scottish Government. Drug Deaths Taskforce Response: A Cross Government Approach. 2023.

51. Scottish Government. Fair Work First Guidance: Supporting The Implementation of Fair Work First in Workplaces Across Scotland. 2023.

52. Scottish Government. Fair Work Action Plan: Becoming a Leading Fair Work Nation by 2025. 2022.

53. Scottish Government. Scottish Government Response to the Drug Deaths Taskforce Response: Annex A: Detailed Response to Each of the Drug Deaths Taskforce Actions. 2023.

54. Employability Scotland. No One Left Behind. https://www.employabilityinscotland.com/policy/no-one-left-behind/ (Accessed August 2023).

55. National Wellbeing Hub. https://wellbeinghub.scot/ (Accessed August 2023).

56. Professional Association for Social Work and Social Workers. The Social Work Professional Support Service. https://www.basw.co.uk/social-work-professional-support-service-sasw (Accessed August 2023).

57. NHS Grampian. Supporting Staff in Distress and Crisis Information Sheet. https://www.scotlanddeanery.nhs.scot/media/613930/we_care_supporting_staff_in_distress_information_sheet-pdf.pdf (Accessed August 2023).

58. Future Learn. Self Care and Wellbeing: A Practical Guide for Health and Social Care. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/self-care-and-wellbeing-a-practical-guide-for-health-and-social-care (Accessed August 2023).

59. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

60. Scottish Government. Drug Deaths Taskforce Response: A Cross Government Approach. 2023.

61. Scottish Government. Scotland’s Alcohol and Drugs Workforce: Mixed Methods Compendium, 2022.

62. Scottish Government. Drug Deaths Taskforce Response: A Cross Government Approach. 2023.

63. Scottish Government. Drug Deaths Taskforce Response: A Cross Government Approach. 2023.


Email: drugsandalcoholworkforce@gov.scot

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