
DSSB Rest of Scotland Gainshare Public Consultation

This document sets out DSSB's plans to further extend coverage of Superfast Broadband across Scotland. This is a State Aid public consultation

4. Responding to this State Aid Public Consultation

The information requested is specified in the following section ( Section 5). When responding to this request, the Scottish Government would be grateful if you could provide the following:

  • Your organisation's name
  • Your organisation's address
  • Your name
  • Position
  • Contact telephone number
  • Publishing Preference
  • Permission to contact
  • Email address

We also request confirmation from an authorised signatory that the information provided is suitably accurate and up-to-date.

Please send your response to arrive no later than 17:00 on 10 th June 2016 to:

Via email to (marked " DSSB Public Consultation Response").

Or by post to:

Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband
Public Consultation Response
7 th Floor
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU

Please note that any information you provide in your response will be treated as commercially confidential to your organisation. However, it may be necessary to share some or all of your response with our professional advisors and/or DCMS/ BDUK, Ofcom, the National Competence Centre, and the European Commission, in the course of seeking State Aid approval. The DSSB Programme is also subject to certain legal obligations to disclose information in certain other limited circumstances.

It should also be noted that it is a State Aid requirement to utilise the information provided in response to this consultation to refine our State Aid maps to define White/Grey/Black areas for NGA and Basic Broadband. However, the published maps will show the aggregated White/Grey/Black NGA and Basic Broadband areas, not the data provided on a per-operator basis.

If you have any questions about this State Aid public consultation process, please contact the DSSB Team by email at: (marked " DSSB Public Consultation")


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