Dundee agglomeration: noise action plan

This plan is one in a suite of six noise action plans produced under the terms of the Environmental Noise Directive (END).

6. Description of Agglomeration - Dundee

6.1 Description of the Dundee Agglomeration

The Dundee Agglomeration is located on the north bank of the River Tay in the Tay Valley on the east coast of Scotland.The agglomeration covers approximately 7160 hectares and is comprised of Dundee City Council (88% of agglometation area) with small parts of Perth and Kinross Council (2%) to the west and Angus Council (10%) to the north and east within the agglomeration boundary.

For the purposes of Strategic Noise mapping, the agglomeration includes a 2km buffer to ensure that any environmental noise effects from just outside the boundary are taken into account within the agglomeration,. This buffer area is mostly within the Perth & Kinross and Angus Council areas. The Dundee agglomeration and buffer area are shown in Figure 3.

The Dundee agglomeration and buffer area

Dundee is the fourth largest city in Scotland and the most recent estimate of Dundee's population is 147,000 in 2011 [15] . The approximate total population of the agglomeration is 157,690 which takes into account the Angus Council (8,970 [16] ) and Perth & Kinross Council (1,700 [17] ) populations within the boundary of the agglomeration.

The Dundee agglomeration contains asmall airport which has daily flights to London. There is also a modern deep-water port and large harbour area. The port area has been a major industrial and commercial source of employment and wealth creation for Dundee and the current Central Waterfront project is one of the key priorities in terms of re-connecting the city and its people with the river. A main rail line runs along the southern border of the agglomeration connecting Dundee to Arbroath and Aberdeen to the east, Fife and Edinburgh to the south via the Tay Rail Bridge, and Perth and Glasgow to the west.

The city is a hub for many routes and is connected to Fife by the Tay bridges. The A92 crosses the Tay and emerges in the centre of Dundee. There is an inner ring road, the Marketgait, and five arterial routes - Broughty Ferry Road, Arbroath Road, Riverside Drive, Lochee Road and Forfar Road. There is a by-pass, the Kingsway, which consists of the A90, the main route from Edinburgh/Perth to Aberdeen, and the A92, the route to Arbroath. There are a significant number of busy road junctions across the City. A large proportion of roads in the City have a gradient due to a central topographical feature, an extinct volcano (height 174 metres above sea level).

Dundee city has a wide diversity of open spaces covering over 1300 hectares. This includes woodlands, beaches, parks, allotment gardens, wildlife sites, burns and ponds. Many are multifunctional and contribute to the quality of life in Dundee by providing: opportunities for active and passive recreation, an attractive and sustainable urban environment and a space for nature.

Dundee city is a major employment and retail centre and has a sizeable student population, being home to the University of Dundee, the University of Abertay and Dundee College.

In common with many Scottish cities the architecture consists of a significant number of 4 or 5-storey tenemental properties creating numerous street canyons. In the commercial centres, a common feature of these tenemental properties is that commercial premises are located on the ground floor with residential premises on the floors above. The main shopping area in the city is pedestrianised. Most of the industrial processes are located around the periphery of the city and in the port area.

The main area of change to the noise climate in Dundee over the coming years will be the redevelopment of the Central Waterfront. The Dundee Central Waterfront comprises a new street layout extending from the city centre down to the waterfront, and the iconic V&A at Dundee building located on the bank of the River Tay, its new waterfront will be a clear statement of its position on a global scale.

The rail station will be redeveloped and a new civic space will stretch from the Caird Hall down to the river. The value of this ambitious project, which will completely change the lasting impression of the city on visitors, has been recognised by the world's most famous museum of art and design, the V&A at Dundee. The excellent opportunity provided by the waterfront was one of the leading factors that influenced their decision to work with Scottish partners to establish the V&A at Dundee. The stunning £45 million centre for design has been described as the anchor building on the newly developed waterfront and will help to boost its position as a major UK city, business centre and visitor attraction.

6.2 Local Development Plan

The new 'Dundee Local Development Plan 2014' was adopted by Dundee City Council on December 5 2013, replacing the previous Dundee Local Plan Review 2005. The Plan contains the spatial strategy that will guide development up to 2024. It shows which land is being allocated to meet the City's development needs and where new development should and should not happen. The Plan contains policies and proposals covering the principal land use issues in the City and will provide the context in which decisions on planning applications will be made.

Local plans include policies that either directly or indirectly impact on Environmental Noise. Policies are designed to ensure that new developments will not be permitted where there will be significant adverse effects for health, the environment and amenity unless appropriate mitigation to minimise any adverse effects can be provided. These policies include both the impact of proposed new development on existing receptors and the susceptibility of potential new receptors from exiting sources of noise.

Similar plans exist for both Angus and Perth & Kinross Councils. A full description of the Local Plan Policies can be found online for each authority - Dundee City Council, Angus Council, Perth & Kinross Council .

6.3 Dundee City Council's Local Transport Strategy ( LTS)

The City Council's LTS recognises the importance of environmental issues such as Air quality and noise. Although the LTS was developed in 2000 the themes derived from it are still very relevant today and these themes are:

  • Reducing the need to travel
  • Promoting alternative modes of travel
  • Restraining the use of the private car

These three strands directly influence the environmental impacts of Transport and help mitigate the noise from transport related sources. Based on the principles of the LTS the Council has implemented several major projects such as Bring Confidence to Public Transport ( BCPT), SMARTBUS and Cross City Direct. These projects included a step change in the provision public transport infrastructure and travel information which has made Dundee a leading city in transportation terms.

More recently the city council have introduced Personalised Travel Planning through the Dundee Travel Active project to assist in behaviour change and give people better information on the options of travel choice. Dundee Travel Active is the Council's on-going programme of activityto promote and enhance sustainable travel options for Dundee residents.By promoting the cost savingsand health benefits associated with public transport,cycling and walking we hope totackle a range of issue - includingobesity,poor air quality and climate change. This programme also has benefits in terms of noise by encouraging people to reduce the amount of journeys taken by car thereby helping reducing the numbers of cars on the road.

6.4 Regional Transport Strategy ( LTS)

The Regional Transport Strategy for the Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership ( TACTRAN) 2008 - 2023 was finalised and approved by the Scottish Ministers in 2008. The Strategy sets out a vision for improving the region's transport infrastructure, services and other facilities over the period to 2023. Objectives have been defined under six broad themes: Economy, Accessibility, Equity and Social Inclusion; Environment; Health and Well-being; Safety and Security; and Integration. Through partnership working and the implementation of the Delivery Plan, the Strategy aims to ensure the region's transport system supports a growing economy while at the same time connects communities and protects the environment. Objectives within the strategy have beneficial effects in regards to reducing the exposure of the population to traffic noise , one example being through 'ensuring that, where network infrastructure improvements are undertaken, measures adopt high standards of mitigation to minimise impacts on landscape and communities'. Full details of TACTRAN Regional Transport Strategy can be found on their website.

6.5 Local Air Quality Plans

Dundee City Council has an AQAP which contains 32 measures aimed at reducing levels of NO 2 and PM 10 within the city. Many of these measures are related to transport, some of which may have beneficial effects in terms of noise. Examples of such measures include those aimed at reducing congestion in densely populated areas of the city, encouraging drivers to use other means of transportation rather than using cars for journeys, and increasing the number of cleaner (and possibly quieter) vehicles with in public transport and Council fleets.

The sections of Angus and Perth & Kinross Councils within the Dundee agglomeration are not associated with any Air Quality Action Plans within these local authorities.



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