
Duty of care: code of practice for managing controlled waste

Statutory guidance on the duties that must be complied with by anyone who produces, keeps, imports or manages controlled waste in Scotland.

10 Transfer Notes

What information must be present on the transfer note?

The transfer note is your evidence of proper transfer of waste including the information that was passed on. You will have to produce it when asked by an enforcement officer. An example note is provided below. Transfer notes must contain the information required by The Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 (as amended). An example note with this information is provided below.

What is an adequate waste description?

An adequate description will depend upon the nature of the waste. It should, however, include mention of any special problems associated with the waste. In looking for 'special problems' associated with the waste it may help to ask yourself and record answers to such questions as:-

  • Does the waste require particular treatment, e.g. clinical waste which requires sterilisation, batteries or WEEE?
  • Does the waste need a special container to prevent its escape or to protect it from the elements, e.g. loose waste?
  • Do you need to advise the producer on what type of container suits the waste and what material the container can be made of?
  • Do you need to advise on labelling and other requirements for transport?
  • Can it safely be mixed with any other waste or are there wastes with which it should not be mixed, for example at a waste transfer station?
  • Can it safely be crushed and/ or transferred from one vehicle to another?
  • Can it be disposed of safely in a landfill site with other waste?
  • Is it likely to change its physical state during storage or transport e.g. might it give off gas or become liquid?

Transfer note


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