
Early Adopter Communities: evaluability assessment

This report presents the findings of an evaluability assessment for the school age childcare Early Adopter Communities. This includes considerations and recommendations for process, impact, and economic evaluations.

Appendix C: EAC family feedback forms

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Family feedback questionnaire: page one
Questionnaire includes the following: Which of [this list of] funded services has your child or children attended? What do you like best about the services? What do you Not like about the services?
Family feedback questionnaire: page two
Questionnaire includes the following: Details of anything at the club upset parents' children, whether attending has been helpful to their children and to themselves as a parent.
Family feedback questionnaire: page three
Questionnaire includes the following: How has attending the club helped parents, what would make it better for children, any other support that parents would find helpful.
Family feedback questionnaire: page four
Questionnaire includes the following: Whether there is anything that would be really helpful to families at the moment, employment status, asking about awareness of additional support available via ClacksWorks and interest in hearing from ClacksWorks themselves. Collection of name/contact number for this purpose.
Family feedback questionnaire: page five
Questionnaire includes the following: selecting which priority groups families are part of, asking if their circumstances have changed in the last 6 months and how, is there anything else they would like to tell Clackmannanshire or the Scottish Government about the service? Collection of email address or mobile number.


Online family feedback form one: page one
Questionnaire includes the following: surname, school attended.
Online family feedback form one: page two
Questionnaire includes the following: postcode, priority groups (selection from list), employment status
Online family feedback form one: page three
Questionnaire includes the following: receipt of benefits required for Scottish Child Payment, if not on benefits whether income is below £26000, whether and how receiving subsidised after school club sessions has financially beneficial for respondent.
Online family feedback form one: page four
Questionnaire includes the following: activities they would like to see at holiday provision, experiences children have enjoyed while at the club, how beneficial the support has been for respondent's family, any further support required
Online family feedback form one: page five
Questionnaire includes the following: whether support Monday-Friday is enough, whether they use the breakfast club and if/how this has benefitted their family, how respondent's journey has progressed with the support of the project
Online family feedback form two: page one
Questionnaire includes the following: overall satisfaction with summer camp, feedback on holiday camp, rating and feedback on term time club
Online family feedback form two: page two
Questionnaire includes the following: 5 start ratings for club environment, hours available, staffing, care for children, activities, feedback from staff, snacks at club. A final question on whether child attends Rowantree Breakfast club.



Family feedback questionnaire: page one
A short introduction to the Funded children - School Parental Questionnaire February 2024
Family feedback questionnaire: page two
Questionnaire includes the following: Likelihood to continue to use after school care, whether there should be a charge, whether funded childcare has allowed respondent to continue in work
Family feedback questionnaire: page three
Questionnaire includes the following: Has the funding allowed respondent to increase working hours/days, have they been able to obtain employment due to receiving this support, has the funding been beneficial to respondent, how did they hear about the funding.
Family feedback questionnaire: page four
Questionnaire includes the following: difference the funding has made for their family/child, whether they would change how the funding is allocated, if they could change something about the service, what would it be.


Form completed by Family Wellbeing Worker following phone conversation with families. Frequency varies depending on family needs. Page one:
Questionnaire includes the following: Name, address, phone number, email, child(ren)'s name, school, class, whether respondent requires support from employability or advice services.
Form completed by Family Wellbeing Worker following phone conversation with families: page two
Questionnaire includes the following: Child outcomes (in line with SHANARRI guidelines), Parent/carer outcomes, improvements to income and resources.
Form completed by Family Wellbeing Worker following phone conversation with families: page three
A space for recording relevant further information or signposting received.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page one
This includes an introduction to this childcare questionnaire. It also includes questions asking parents to rate how strongly they agree that the project is helpful for them, and that they feel reassured.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page two
Questionnaire includes the following: the extent to which parents feel supported, and how they would rate their own health.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page three
Questionnaire includes the following: impacts of childcare for parents' work, training or education, whether parents have been referred by the childcare project to advice services or employability support.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page four
Questionnaire includes the following: whether parents completed a financial wellbeing assessment (and if not, why not), and whether their income has increased since the beginning of the project.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page five
Questionnaire includes the following: the extent to which parents agree that childcare is accessible, that it is high quality, that it is flexible, and that the childcare provision meets their needs.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page six
Questionnaire includes the following: the extent to which parents agree that the childcare meets their children's needs, that children are more physically active, eat a better variety of foods, shows improved learning and development, have a community of trusted adults. Final question covers any further comments on impacts for children.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page seven
Questionnaire includes the following: Any further comments about the provision, whether they still require after school care, what (if anything) parents would change.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page eight
Questionnaire includes the following: whether there are other times respondents require childcare.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page nine
Questionnaire includes the following: the extent to which parents agree they've been feeling confident, relaxed, dealing with problems well, and engaged with the community.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page ten
Questionnaire includes the following: the extent to which parents agree that they know where to go to get the support they need, they can easily access this, wider parental support meets their needs and that childcare support has given them space and time to consider their future.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page 11
Questionnaire includes the following: the extent to which parents agree they're ready to take steps in education/training/employment, they have increased job security, job progression, they feel less stressed, and any other comments on what this childcare has meant for them.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page 12
Questionnaire includes the following: need for more support for families in Port Glasgow, what the project could be doing in to support them, whether it would be helpful to have a place to go locally for support.
Online family feedback questionnaire: page 13
Questionnaire includes the following: whether there is any other information respondents would like to add.



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