
Early Adopter Communities: evaluability assessment

This report presents the findings of an evaluability assessment for the school age childcare Early Adopter Communities. This includes considerations and recommendations for process, impact, and economic evaluations.

Appendix E: EAC application/registration forms

Note: To view the images on this page at a larger size, please open the PDF that can be found under Supporting Documents.


Application forms are not included as they are different for each provider.


EAC application form: page one
An introduction to the Membership & Registration Form, including contact details of project lead and family support worker.
EAC application form: page two
This page covers whether parents need term-time or holiday provision, and background details on the child attending and parent/guardian (including contact details).
EAC application form: page three
This page covers whether a family is part of the child poverty priority groups, income above or below £26000, emergency contact details and details on children's additional special needs or dietary requirements.
EAC application form: page four
This page covers what children like, dislike or fear, as well as details of anyone else who may be picking them up from childcare. It also covers medical information.
EAC application form: page five
This page includes a declaration that the information provided is correct, and a section to fill out at 6 monthly reviews.


EAC application form

Glasgow City Council

Free Or Partially Funded School-Aged Childcare

Current Families receiving support

The Scottish Government is continuing with its plan to develop a system of School-Aged Childcare (SAC) that will be available and affordable for all eligible families and free for the most vulnerable.

Glasgow City Council's Education Department received a grant from the Scottish Government to support the costs of School Aged Childcare for low-income families who were attending identified Early Adopter Services within Ward Areas, Drumchapel Anniesland, East Centre , Southside Central and Calton from 1st April 23 to 31st March 24.

We are pleased to advise that we can extend this funded support in the interim until the schools return on the 14 August 2024 to existing families already receiving support, if they meet at least one of the Key Priority Family Indicators and also the set low-income criteria.

If you would like to be considered for the continuation of this funded support, we require you to complete an updated application form.

We have attached the updated application form to this communication. Once complete please return it to: [redacted] or your School Aged Childcare Provider.

If you would like to discuss your application, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Team by either emailing: [redacted] or call [redacted].

Further assistance with paying for childcare costs can be accessed here: and Funded early learning and childcare -

SAC Application 24-25 – existing families only - 1st April 24

Glasgow City Council

School-Aged Childcare Support

Part 1

To be considered for the extended School-Aged Childcare Funded Support, you must be able to select at least 1 box in each of the criteria 1 to 4.

Please either put an x or tick in the box. If you are unable to complete the application digitally, we can accept paper copies complete by hand. We are more than happy to assist you in the completion of the application form.

Criteria 1.

Your child must attend one of the School-Aged Childcare Services taking part in the Early Adopter Project. Currently these are:



Criteria 2.

  • You’re a parent of at least one child under 16 years old: Yes
  • You’re a kinship carer of at least one child under 16 years old: Yes

Criteria 3.

You fall within one of the priority family types:

  • Lone-parent families
  • minority ethnic familie
  • families with a disabled adult or child
  • families with a younger mother (under 25
  • families with a child under one
  • Larger families (three + children)
  • Kinship Care Family: Yes

Criteria 4.

  • You are entitled/in receipt of Free School Meals and not in employment: Yes
  • You are entitled/in receipt of a School Clothing Grant and not receiving the childcare element of support from Universal Credit or Working Tax Credits: Yes
  • Household earnings up to £26884 and not receiving the childcare element of support from Universal Credit/Working Tax Credit: Yes
  • Kinship Care Family: Yes

If you are unsure if you meet the FSM/CG eligibility criteria please refer to the link for further information:

Glasgow City Council

School-Aged Childcare

Application Form

Please Complete In Block Capitals

Part 2 – Tell us about you as the parent/guardian.

First name(s):

Last name :

National Insurance number



How will we contact you?

Your phone number

Is this phone a:



I do not have a phone number I can give you

Your email address

If you’re helping to fill out this form as a friend or relative, put the details of the person who is applying on this page.

Pattern of Children Attending School Aged Childcare / Sessions and Days

We need to know about the children attending the School Aged Childcare Provider and the number of days and sessions. This allows us to determine how much funded support we can offer. Please tick the box that applies to you.

Name of the School Aged Child Care Service they are attending:

Start Date:

Is this holiday provision only during the school term

Is this Term Time Only

Is this Summer provision only

Is this all year

Days of Attendance - Holiday provision during school term only :






Days of Attendance - Term Time only:






Days of Attendance - Summer provision only:






Days of Attendance - All Year:






Details of Children Attending the School Aged Child Care Service (SAC)

If you have more than three children attending and run out of space, you can add the details of other children in the box below.


First name(s)

Last name

Date of birth D D M M YYYY

Is this child named on either you or your partner’s Child Tax Credit, Child Benefit, Universal Credit or Pension Credit claim, Kinship Care Agreement?




First name(s)

Last name

Date of birth D D M M YYYY

Is this child named on either you or your partner’s Child Tax Credit, Child Benefit, Universal Credit or Pension Credit claim, Kinship Care Agreement?




First name(s)

Last name

Date of birth D D M M YYYY

Is this child named on either you or your partner’s Child Tax Credit, Child Benefit, Universal Credit or Pension Credit claim, Kinship Care Agreement?



Additional Children Details:

How did you hear about the SAC support:

This lets us know how we can improve our engagement with families.

GFIS Website


SAC provider

Other Please specify

Would you like to take part in further engagement to allow us to understand how best to support family needs?



If not, why?

Do you receive the Scottish Child payment:



If not, why?

Eligible families and carers can find out more and apply online at or by calling Social Security Scotland on free on 0800 182 2222.

Things you need to agree on before you submit your application form.

By signing this application, you agree to the following statements:

As far as I know and believe, I declare that the information I have given in this form is correct and complete.

I understand that I may be breaking the law and could be prosecuted if I provide details that are not correct and complete.

I agree to update Glasgow City Council by emailing [redacted] and the School Aged Childcare provider straight away if there are any changes to the details of my circumstances that I have given in this form.

This could be if:

I’m no longer looking after a child.

My financial circumstances have changed.

The child no longer attends the SAC provider.

I understand that if I do not report these changes:

I may be breaking the law.

It may affect my ongoing support.

I may be prosecuted.

Support may be reduced if I receive too much.

If I am acting on behalf of an entitled individual, I agree to be liable to pay Glasgow City Council the value of any assistance given in error, unless that error is neither my fault nor the kind of error that a person acting on an individual’s behalf could reasonably be expected to notice.

Your signature:


If you’re filling in this form on behalf of someone who cannot manage their own affairs, or if you’re helping a friend or family member to fill out the form. We’d like you to give us your details.

First name(s)

Last name

Company or organisation name:



Contact Number:

Please now return the complete application for consideration/approval to [redacted] or direct to your SAC provider.

For information on how we use your data please refer to the following link:

For other support available to Glasgow families please scan the QR codes below.

Quick Response codes


Example EAC application form for parents to complete online: page one
This page includes an introduction to the Easter Holiday Childcare 2024 application form, including details of eligibility.
Example EAC application form for parents to complete online: page two
This page of the application covers reasons for needing childcare, employment status, and earnings. Earnings is recorded as less than £24,421 with one child; less than £26,884 with 2 or more children; or more than this.
Example EAC application form for parents to complete online: page three
This page of the application covers priority family groups, receipt of Universal Credit, and interest in childcare as a career.
Example EAC application form for parents to complete online: page four
This page of the application covers name, address, phone number, email, school attended by children, and dates required for childcare over the Easter holiday.
Example EAC application form for parents to complete online: page five
This page of the application covers name and age of children attending provision, as well as any other details that may be relevant for the respondent to include in the application.
Example EAC application form for parents to complete online: page six
This part of the application form includes a Holiday Childcare Agreement for parents to confirm they are happy with. This includes permissions for data sharing, and monitoring and evaluation. It also asks if the respondent's child has previously attended the childcare services.
Example EAC application form for parents to complete online: page seven
This section of the application form is a statement on GDPR and data sharing, for parents to read before they submit. This page of the application form covers interest in support from Advice Services or employability services.
Form for Project Lead to complete with parent following application: page one
This page is for recording whether referrals have been accepted to the advice services, employment services, and consent for information to be passed onto the provider. It also covers whether families meet the eligibility criteria for EAC support.
Form for Project Lead to complete with parent following application: page two
This page is for recording whether referrals have been accepted to the advice services, employment services, and consent for information to be passed onto the provider. It also covers whether families meet the eligibility criteria for EAC support.
Form for Project Lead to complete with parent following application: page three
This page covers whether a child has additional support needs, if there are any other agencies/services involved, and whether a child has an advanced transition.
Form for Project Lead to complete with parent following application: page four
This page provides space to note any other relevant information.



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