
Early Adopter Communities - process evaluation: research findings

This report presents the summary findings of an early process evaluation of the school age childcare Early Adopter Communities. It aims to identify what has worked well or less well during early set-up and implementation, to inform ongoing design and delivery.


Delivery of services for families was generally happening as intended, shaped by co-design activities. Broadly speaking, the provision met the needs of families who took part in this research and was considered accessible, affordable and good quality. This was facilitated by: funded places; local venues; timing that suited parents’ working patterns, and staff who parents trusted to meet their children's needs. Staff cited trusting relationships as key to engaging families. At the same time, there is scope for improving reach to certain groups in some areas, for example, parents who were not working and minority ethnic families. Implementation challenges raised in interviews included recruitment and retention of staff and accommodating children with ASN.

EACs have also been working as intended at the systems level. Specifically, EACs had worked with partners to achieve buy-in and further develop partnerships. These partnerships laid the groundwork for early progress on other outcomes. Being in areas with existing child poverty initiatives meant EACs were not starting from scratch and could work with partners towards a common goal. This had been particularly effective in Dundee, where there are several initiatives working closely in a small local area.

There was agreement among EACs that the approach could be adopted in other areas, with continued funding. However, addressing workforce and capacity issues in the childcare sector would be an important consideration.



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