
Early Adopter Communities: process evaluation

This report presents the findings of an early process evaluation of the school age childcare Early Adopter Communities. It aims to identify what has worked well or less well during early set-up and implementation, to inform ongoing design and delivery.

Appendix B: Evaluation questions

The following key evaluation questions were developed by the research team to guide the process evaluation.

Systems change delivery

1. How are EACs implementing activities to achieve systems change?

a. How are the EACs being run/governed?

b. How and with whom are the EACs working in partnership?

c. Have staff received the training they need?

d. How have scoping/mapping exercises been used to inform EAC design?

e. To what extent are systems change activities being implemented as intended?

2. What are the views and experiences of EAC staff and stakeholders on the success/effectiveness of activities to achieve systems change?

a. Are there perceived early indicators of systems-level outcomes?

3. What are the enablers that have facilitated system change and the challenges that have been experienced, and how have challenges been overcome?

a. What contextual factors have influenced implementation and how?

4. What are the key differences across EACs?

5. What is needed for future scalability of the EACs?

Delivery of services to families

1. How are EACs implementing services for to families?

a. What kind of/how much childcare is provided?

b. What kind of/how much wider family support is provided?

c. To what extent are direct delivery activities being implemented as intended?

2. How effective are EAC processes in reaching and engaging the intended priority groups?

a. How is provision promoted and communicated?

b. How are families referred into provision?

c. How accessible is provision (including application/registration processes, locations of childcare settings)?

d. To what extent is there drop-off between sign-up and attendance, and what factors influence this?

e. How has this differed across the six child poverty groups?

3. What are the enablers that have facilitated direct delivery and the challenges that have been experienced, and how have challenges been overcome?

a. What contextual factors have influenced implementation and how?

4. To what extent does provision meet the needs of local families?

a. How has provision been co-designed with families and/or partners/stakeholders?

b. What are the views and experiences of families using the provision e.g. levels of satisfaction?

5. What are the key differences across EACs?



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