Early learning and childcare: data transformation project

Project to address the shortcommings of the current Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) census.

Advisory group

The ELC Census Development Advisory Group will have the responsibility of shaping and overseeing the work programme to identify and address issues with the ELC census. 

The work of this group will be to:

  • engage with the development of the collection and implement the recommendations from the consultation, and encourage stakeholders to engage with the developments

  • help determine key activities to meet project objectives, agreeing relative priorities, translating this to the implementation strategy to ensure delivery

  • help define the requirements of the collection, using own knowledge of what information is feasible and necessary to collect

  • identify key contacts, with adequate representation across the sector, to involve in the work, advising on the best way to engage with them

  • assist in the delivery of objectives, through participation in key activities and contributions to workstreams

  • make decisions based on findings from key activities, drawing on expertise, knowledge and experience and advise on the best course of action to the Strategic Evidence Group


Email: ELCDataTransformation@gov.scot


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