Early learning and childcare expansion: Fairer Scotland Duty
A summary of the Fairer Scotland Duty assessment carried out for the early learning and childcare (ELC) expansion.
1. Scottish Government: Funding follows the child and the national standard for early learning and childcare providers: principles and practice; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/funding-follows-child-national-standard-early-learning-childcare-providers-principles-practice/
2. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (Modification) (No.1) Order 2019
3. Scottish Government: Tackling inequalities in the early years: Key messages from 10 years of the growing up in Scotland study; 2015: https://www.gov.scot/publications/tackling-inequalities-early-years-key-messages-10-years-growing-up-scotland-study/
4. Bromley C. Growing Up in Scotland: The impact of children's early activities on cognitive development. Edinburgh: Scottish Government; 2009: https://www.gov.scot/publications/growing-up-scotland-impact-childrens-early-activities-cognitive-development/
5. Bromley C. Growing Up in Scotland: The impact of children's early activities on cognitive development. Edinburgh: Scottish Government; 2009: https://www.gov.scot/publications/growing-up-scotland-impact-childrens-early-activities-cognitive-development/
6. Scobie G, Scott E: Rapid evidence review: Childcare quality and children's outcomes; 2017: http://www.healthscotland.scot/publications/rapid-evidence-review-childcare-quality-childrens-outcomes
7. Knudsen L et al: Changes in early learning and childcare use and outcomes at age 5: comparing two growing up in Scotland cohorts; 2017: https://www2.gov.scot/Resource/0052/00528287.pdf
8. Scottish Government: Tackling inequalities in the early years: Key messages from 10 years of the growing up in Scotland study; 2015: https://www.gov.scot/publications/tackling-inequalities-early-years-key-messages-10-years-growing-up-scotland-study/
9. Reynolds AJ et al: Long-term Effects of an Early Childhood Intervention on EducationalAchievement and Juvenile Arrest: A 15-Year Follow-Up of Low-income Children in Public Schools. The Journal of the American Medical Association; 2001.
10. Borg I and Stocks A: A Survey of Childcare and Work Decisions Among Families with Children; 2013: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/221221/WP114.pdf
11. Scottish Government: Exploring parents' views and use of early learning and childcare in Scotland; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/exploring-parents-views-use-early-learning-childcare-scotland/
12. Scottish Government: Funded early learning and childcare statistics in Scotland: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Children/Pubs-Pre-SchoolEducation
13. Scottish Government: Exploring parents' views and use of early learning and childcare in Scotland; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/exploring-parents-views-use-early-learning-childcare-scotland/
14. Scobie G, Scott E: Rapid evidence review: Childcare quality and children's outcomes; 2017: http://www.healthscotland.scot/publications/rapid-evidence-review-childcare-quality-childrens-outcomes
15. Full criteria are available at: https://www.mygov.scot/childcare-costs-help/funded-early-learning-and-childcare/
16. Scottish Government: Funded early learning and childcare statistics in Scotland: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Children/Pubs-Pre-SchoolEducation
17. Scottish Government: Funding follows the child and the national standard for early learning and childcare providers: principles and practice; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/funding-follows-child-national-standard-early-learning-childcare-providers-principles-practice/
18. Scobie G, Scott E: Rapid evidence review: Childcare quality and children's outcomes; 2017: http://www.healthscotland.scot/publications/rapid-evidence-review-childcare-quality-childrens-outcomes
19. Scottish Government: Funding follows the child and the national standard for early learning and childcare providers: principles and practice; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/funding-follows-child-national-standard-early-learning-childcare-providers-principles-practice/
20. Scottish Government: Exploring parents' views and use of early learning and childcare in Scotland; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/exploring-parents-views-use-early-learning-childcare-scotland/
21. Scottish Government: A blueprint for 2020: the expansion of early learning and childcare (ELC) in Scotland - ELC expansion planning guidance for local authorities; 2017: https://www.gov.scot/publications/blueprint-2020-expansion-early-learning-childcare-scotland-elc-expansion-planning/
22. http://www.improvementservice.org.uk/documents/ELC/elc-delivery-progress-report-september-2019.pdf
23. This is set out in the Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000, and the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, Early Learning and Childcare Statutory Guidance states in paragraph 132: Under section 33(1) of the 2000 Act, the entitlement to mandatory early learning and childcare should be provided without the payment of fees, including where this is delivered through partner providers under a section 35 arrangement.
24. Scottish Government: Exploring parents' views and use of early learning and childcare in Scotland; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/exploring-parents-views-use-early-learning-childcare-scotland/
25. Scottish Government: Funding follows the child and the national standard for early learning and childcare providers: operating guidance; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/funding-follows-child-national-standard-early-learning-childcare-providers-operating-guidance/
26. Scottish Government: Exploring parents' views and use of early learning and childcare in Scotland; 2018: https://www.gov.scot/publications/exploring-parents-views-use-early-learning-childcare-scotland/
27. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (Modification) (No.1) Order 2019: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/sdsi/2019/9780111042052
28. Scobie, G et al. Provision of early learning and childcare and parents' outcomes: an evidence brief. NHS Health Scotland: Edinburgh, 2017: http://www.healthscotland.scot/media/1786/provision-of-early-learning-and-childcare-and-parents-outcomes-an-evidence-brief.pdf
29. OECD: Starting strong 2017: key OECD indicators on early childhood education and care; 2017: https://www.oecd.org/education/starting-strong-2017-9789264276116-en.htm
30. Scottish Government: Funded early learning and childcare statistics in Scotland: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Children/Pubs-Pre-SchoolEducation
31. Children and Young Person Improvement Collaborative: https://www.gov.scot/policies/improving-public-services/children-and-young-people-improvement-collaborative/
32. Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, Edinburgh, Fife, Moray, North Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire, Stirling
34. Scottish Government: Review of Family Learning Supporting Excellence and Equity; 2016: https://education.gov.scot/improvement/documents/family-learning-report-full-document.pdf
35. Scottish Government: Protecting Scotland's Future: the Government's Programme for Scotland 2019-2020: https://www.gov.scot/publications/protecting-scotlands-future-governments-programme-scotland-2019-20/
36. Scobie G, Scott E. Rapid evidence review: Childcare quality and children's outcomes; 2017: http://www.healthscotland.scot/publications/rapid-evidence-review-childcare-quality-childrens-outcomes
37. Scottish Government: Funded early learning and childcare statistics in Scotland: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Children/Pubs-Pre-SchoolEducation
38. The workshops were attended by representatives from: Scottish Government, One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS), Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), Save the Children, Scottish Childminding Association (SCMA), COSLA, Care Inspectorate, Family Nurse Partnership (NHS), Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland (AHDS), Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG), Scottish Futures Trust (SFT), Stepping Stones for Families, Health Visitor (NHS), Care and Learning Alliance (CALA), National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), and local authorities.
39. Approximately 10% of the total 2 year population are registered for funded ELC (compared to the roughly 25% that are eligible). While this has increased gradually over the last few years, it is still low: Scottish Government: Funded early learning and childcare statistics in Scotland: https://www2.gov.scot/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Children/Pubs-Pre-SchoolEducation
40. Scottish Government. Drivers & barriers to uptake of Early Learning and Childcare amongst 2 year olds; 2017: https://www.gov.scot/publications/drivers-barriers-uptake-early-learning-childcare-amongst-2-year-olds/
41. Scottish Government. The expansion of early leaning and childcare: evaluation report 2017: https://www.gov.scot/publications/expansion-early-learning-childcare-evaluation-report-2017/
42. Care Inspectorate. Early learning and childcare statistics: http://www.careinspectorate.com/index.php/publications-statistics/19-public/statistics?limitstart=0
Email: francesca.iwanyckyj@gov.scot
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