
Early learning and childcare: national induction resource

Resource developed to support professionals in their induction to delivering early learning and childcare (ELC) – whether that is funded ELC or that which families purchase themselves. It sets out how they can expect employers to support them in their new role.

Qualification Requirements

The SSSC specify the qualifications you must already have, or be working towards obtaining, as you progress through your ELC career.

Staff registered with the SSSC as a support worker will be expected to have or be working towards a relevant Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) level 6, (Scottish Higher equivalent). Staff registered at practitioner level will be expected to have or be working towards a relevant SCQF level 7 and those registered as manager or lead practitioner will be expected to have or be working towards a relevant SCQF level 9 qualification (degree-level).

Details of the different routes to achieving the qualifications for ELC professionals are available on the SSSC careers website, where you can click on each route and find out more about course content, teaching methods, entry requirements and relative benefits of each route.

(Image shows an internet device displaying SCQF level 6-9 qualifications)

Each of the qualifications have been developed to reflect the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for working in Social Service (Children and Young People). The NOS describe the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to do a particular job to a nationally recognised level of competence. The NOS have been developed by employers, people who use services and other key stakeholders to define the key functions in a job role. They are benchmarks of effective practice required in the social service sector and are used across the UK. This means that regardless of which route you take to achieving each of the benchmark levels, the same core skills and learning will be developed. Qualifications may be available as full time, part time or through open learning.

You may have experiences and learning which might be built upon to support you in your learning journey. Your preferred learning provider will be able to help you determine if your experiences and learning, formal or informal, or if any existing indirect qualifications, may be considered through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and contribute towards achieving your ELC qualification.



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