Early learning and childcare trials discussion paper: analysis of responses

Analysis of responses to a discussion on establishing delivery model trials to support expanding the early learning and childcare provision.

7. Existing Examples Of Innovative Delivery Within ELC Provision

Question 6: Are there existing examples of innovative delivery within ELC provision that you can share with us? [3]

7.1 Respondents were invited to identify examples of innovative approaches to providing high quality, flexible ELC anywhere in the world from which we should be learning. They were also invited to highlight existing innovative delivery models in Scotland whose impact could usefully be evaluated.

7.2 From the responses 16 distinct examples were identified over and above some which had already been mentioned as examples of best practice. The examples are outlined in Annex 3 and are summarised in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Summary of examples of innovative practice (further information in Annex 3)

Topic No. of examples Key themes
Providing flexibility 3 Supporting parents
Increasing parental choice 3 Enabling ELC in home setting
Supporting parents
Workforce 2 Increasing the skilled workforce
Partnership working with parents 2 Supporting families
Data bank 2 Sharing innovative practice
Use of expressive arts 2 Creative experience for children
Child-centred approaches 1 Child development
Partnership working between organisations 1 Multi-agency working

Implications for proposed trials
7.3 The views expressed on innovative delivery support those given in response to previous questions in highlighting the value placed on flexibility, choice, skilled workforce and partnership models of working. This suggests, once again, that these features should be key elements of trials. Once more, innovation in use of expressive arts within ELC was mentioned.


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