
Early learning and childcare service model for 2020: consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the joint Scottish Government and COSLA consultation on the new Early Learning and Childcare service model for 2020.

Appendix 1 Consultation questions

Respondents were asked a range of questions within the consultation document. These are listed below in the order that they appeared in the consultation document.

Question 1: What factors should be considered in developing a simple, standardised yet flexible process for becoming a funded provider?

Question 2: What are the key shared principles which should underpin an effective and positive partnership between local authorities and funded providers?

Question 3a: We are proposing that the National Standard includes a qualification requirement for childminders delivering the funded entitlement to be qualified to or working towards the same qualification level as is required for an ELC practitioner (SCQF level 7). What are the advantages of including this criteria?

Question 3b: Are childminders able to access adequate funding to pay for training to SCQF level 7? Are childminders able to access training to SCQF level 7 in a way that is flexible enough to allow them to continue to run their businesses?

Question 4: Our aspiration is to see outdoor learning and play becoming a defining feature of funded ELC in Scotland.

  • Does criteria 3 capture this ambition? If not, how could it be strengthened in a way that is sustainable for providers?
  • What challenges, if any, exist for funded ELC providers to ensure children have access to outdoor play? How can these challenges be overcome?

Question 5a: Will the criteria set out in the draft National Standard:

  • ensure that high quality, accessible, flexible and affordable Early Learning Childcare is delivered in all funded provider settings?
  • Support increased choice for parents and carers?

Question 5b: Is there any criteria not included in the National Standard that is required to ensure a high quality service is provided to all children?

Question 5c: Do the proposed criteria within the National Standard seem fair and proportionate for all? Do the proposed variations for some criteria seem fair and proportionate for childminders?

Question 6: What areas would you look to be addressed in the technical guidance note for supporting implementation of the ELC Living Wage commitment?

Question 7: Should newly established ELC settings be able to deliver the funded hours on a probationary basis, pending the outcome of their first inspection, provided they meet all other aspects of the National Standard? Are there any particular challenges or issues that may arise from this approach?

Question 8: What support will service providers require to prepare for the introduction of the National Standard and meet the criteria and delivery of the new service model?


Email: Euan Carmichael

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