
Early learning and childcare: statutory guidance - July 2021

Statutory guidance to education authorities to support them in exercising their functions in relation to the delivery of early learning and childcare from 1 August 2021.

Consultation under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010

179. Under the 2010 Act, education authorities must consult on any proposal to permanently discontinue a nursery school[34] or all the nursery classes[35] in a public primary school.

180. To support the expansion and reconfiguration of early learning and childcare, the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 (Modification) Regulations 2017 removed the requirement to carry out a statutory consultation on proposals to establish a new nursery school or new nursery class and proposals to relocate a nursery school or nursery class under the 2010 Act.

181. Further information can be found in the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010: guidance.



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