
British Sign Language: national plan 2023 to 2029 - easy read

Sets out a range of government actions to tackle barriers faced by British Sign Language (BSL) users to help make Scotland the best place in the world for BSL users to live, work, visit and learn.

BSL accessibility

The Scottish Government recognises that for public services to be accessible for BSL users:

  • people should know about the culture of BSL

BSL culture means it has its own behaviours, art, history and values

  • important information should be available in BSL
  • people must be able to get services using BSL

Public services are services we all use like schools, hospitals and councils.

The experiences of BSL users is supporting us to decide how we deliver services across Scotland.

Our long-term goal

To make sure services are accessible for BSL users and knowing the importance of:

  • having accessible information in at the right time
  • using technology
  • making sure more people know about ways to communicate


We will:

6. Improve the accessibility of the Scottish Government website for BSL users.

7. Make sure deaf and deafblind BSL users are included in the See Hear strategy.

A strategy is a large plan.

Make sure the BSL National Plan works to make sure people who use BSL can access all services.

8. Continue to promote the use of Contact Scotland BSL, Scotland’s BSL online interpreting service.

Make this service better and make sure it meets the needs of BSL users.

9. Start SignPort and promote its use.

SignPort is an online way to book BSL/English interpreters which will start in the Scottish Government and other public bodies in Spring 2024.

Public bodies are organisations that work for the Government and provide public services.



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