
Changing Places Toilets: planning guide - easy read

An introduction to Changing Places Toilets (CPTs) in easy read format.


Changing Places Toilets are large toilets which are accessible to people with disabilities who need the support of carers and equipment to help them.

Many of these people will be living with a number of different disabilities including learning disabilities.

Changing Places Toilets have extra space for people using a wheelchair.

The toilets also have space for one or two carers.

Changing Places Toilets have the equipment to help people easily use the toilets.

There are also portable Changing Places Toilets which can be used outside.

Mobile Changing Places Toilets make it easier for people with disabilities across Scotland to use public spaces and go to indoor and outdoor events.

Without Changing Places Toilets people with disabilities and their families can find it difficult to go out and might find it impossible to leave their house.

Using toilets which are not suitable can put the health and safety of people with disabilities and their carers at risk.

It is a human right that people with disabilities should be able to get access to toilets that meet their needs.

This right is written into law in Article 11 of the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

In 2019 the Scottish Government changed the law to say that all new large public buildings have to have Changing Places Toilets in them.

Changing Places Toilets make a real difference to people with disabilities and their families.

The Scottish Government want more places across the country to build Changing Places Toilets.



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