
Children's care and justice – possible changes to the law: consultation - easy read

The Scottish Government would like your views on how we can protect and support children. This is especially those in conflict with the law.

Children in secure care and Young Offenders Institutions

Some children are in secure care or Young Offenders Institutions. This might be because they are in conflict with the law or have caused harm to someone. Other children are in secure care because they are at risk of being harmed.

Secure care and Young Offenders Institutions are different. Secure care is a form of care, not about punishment. Children are cared for in homely units. There are more staff and they are trained differently.

There have been concerns about children in Young Offenders Institutions. We are thinking about not using them for children aged under 18.

We want to make sure that all children or care leavers get the support they need. This should continue after a child's stay in secure care or a Young Offenders Institution.


Email: CC&

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