
Children's care and justice – possible changes to the law: consultation - easy read

The Scottish Government would like your views on how we can protect and support children. This is especially those in conflict with the law.

Identifying children who go to court

It is usually against the law to identify a child in the criminal justice system. The judge can do this when the court decides the public should know.

The public may be interested in a child's identity if serious harm has been caused. However this can have an impact on the child and their family.

We are thinking about changing this so that a judge can only identify a child to protect the public. We might change this so a child's identity is protected until they are 26.

7. Do you think the criminal justice system should be changed for children?

Yes / No

If yes, how can the system be changed?

8. Where a child has been remanded or sentenced , should this be in secure care rather than a Young Offenders Institution?

Yes / No

9. Should we stop using Young Offenders Institutions for children under 18?

Yes / No

Should there be any exceptions?

10. If you have been in secure care, can you think of anything that should change if more children who are in conflict with the law are going to be placed in secure care?

11. Should councils have to support children and care leavers who are in secure care or Young Offenders Institutions more?

Yes / No

12. Should we change the rules on identifying children?

Yes / No

Are these changes the right ones?


Email: CC&

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