
Children's care and justice – possible changes to the law: consultation - easy read

The Scottish Government would like your views on how we can protect and support children. This is especially those in conflict with the law.

Why should I get involved?

The changes could have a big impact on different people, including children and young people. We want to hear from as many people as possible.

We especially want to hear from children and young people. We know you are the experts.

We know that lots of children and young people like to answer questions with people they know. We have made a guide to help workers gather your views. This is available to anyone.

You do not need to answer all questions. Only the ones you want to.

We are planning to hold some sessions for children and young people on the consultation. The team working on the law would also be happy for you to get in touch or to try and meet with you and any groups. You can contact them at: CC&


Email: CC&

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