
Children's care and justice – possible changes to the law: consultation - easy read

The Scottish Government would like your views on how we can protect and support children. This is especially those in conflict with the law.

Information and support where a person has been harmed by a child who went to a children's hearing

People told us that more information and support would need to be available to people who have been harmed.

Children and young people were less clear if more information should be given. Some felt more should be given. Others felt this should be on a case-by-case basis. The child's personal details or the support they were being given should not be shared.

If a child goes to a hearing, it will be decided if a compulsory supervision order is needed. This is a legal document which allows people, like a social worker, to help the child.

This order can say a child has to do or not do certain things. This may be where they should live, who they can see, and where they can go.

Just now the person who has been harmed would not be told about these things. They are only told if a hearing was arranged, what the result was and general information.

We want to make sure anyone harmed by a child's behaviour can get the support they need. There is lots happening to try to make sure all children get the support that they need.

But people who have been harmed told us they do not always get help or enough help. It can be hard to get and they need to go to different organisations. This can be harder if they go to the same school or live near the child who has harmed them. We want to know if people who have been harmed should get more support.

We also wonder if there should be a single person to contact for each person who has been harmed. They would give information, help and support.

This should make it easier for people who have been harmed to get the information and help they need. This person could be part of the children's hearings system, social work, education, a victim support organisation or another organisation.


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