
Children's care and justice – possible changes to the law: consultation - easy read

The Scottish Government would like your views on how we can protect and support children. This is especially those in conflict with the law.

Using the children's hearings system as much as we can

We want to use the children's hearings system so that children and young people get the support they need. To do that we are thinking about what other supports need to be available.

Some of the options we are thinking about are:

  • If a compulsory supervision order is made, panel members could think about if the person who has been harmed. They may need protection from harm. This could mean that the child cannot go near a person or to places like where that person lives
  • More children to have an electronic tag. This will limit and check where they go. This should be if the child is likely to cause serious harm to another person
  • • Sheriffs and judges to ask the hearing for advice about what to do next. This is when the child has been found guilty. Now they can only do this for some children.

Children cannot be supported in the children's hearings system after they turn 18. Some young people have told us their support stops then. We are thinking about children being able to get support in the children's hearings system after they turn 18.

1. If you been harmed by another child who went to a children's hearing, can you think of any information or support that would have been helpful?

2. Should more information be shared with a person who has been harmed? This would be if a child has an order which says they cannot do certain things that relate to the person harmed.

Yes / No

If yes, what should this include?

3. Where a person has been harmed by a child should more support be available to the person who has been harmed?

Yes / No

If yes, what should this include?

4. Should there be a single person to contact for each person who has been harmed?

Yes / No

Any comments, like in which organisation should this person be based?

5. Should panel members think of other options to keep people safe?

Yes / No

If yes, do you have any ideas?

6. Should children be able to stay in the children's hearings system after their 18th birthday?

  • Yes all children
  • Only some children (please explain who)
  • No

If yes, to what age?


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