
Health and social care - data strategy: consultation - easy read

We are gathering views on how data should be used and managed, across health and social care. These views will help shape the development of Scotland’s first data strategy for health and social care.

Our Vision – what we want to see happen

We want the Strategy to:

  • have ways to use data to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Scotland.

Wellbeing means feeling comfortable, healthy and happy.

To help us do this we have 3 aims – things we want to see happen:

  • for the people of Scotland:

to have greater access to their own health and social care data and greater control of it.

  • for staff and organisations that provide health and social care services:

to give them ways to record and share information to make good decisions in time and have better services.

  • for innovators and researchers

to make sure data is used to develop new and better treatments and new ways of working.

Innovators are people who come up with new ideas or ways of working.

Researchers are people who look closely at facts, figures and information.

Giving people power

When we asked people what they thought in the National Care Service consultation most people and organisations agreed there should be a Scottish social care and health record that is online and accessible.

Giving people more access and control over their data will help them to trust health and social care services.

People will know they have been treated fairly.

Data must be presented in a way that is accessible and understandable to everyone.

The Data Strategy must have ways to include people who cannot use online services.

Your health and social care data rights

The Data Strategy must explain the importance of:

  • the rights people have to their information

This must include when someone's age or ability to make their own decisions could make this difficult.

  • how people can have a greater say in how their data is shared
  • the legal reasons for collecting the data
  • how and why their data will be used and shared
  • how someone can change their data

How do I take part in the consultation?

There are 3 parts in the survey:

  • Part 1: people of Scotland
  • Part 2: staff delivering health and social care services
  • Part 3: researchers and innovators

We all fit into one or more of these groups.

Please complete as many sections as you feel comfortable with.

You do not have to answer a question if you do not want to.

Click on the box of the answer you agree with and a tick will appear.

If you change your mind you can click on it again to untick it.

If you have more to say type in the 'Type your answer here' spaces.

The space will grow as you type.



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