
Delivery of psychological therapies and interventions - national specification: consultation - easy read

We want to hear your views on their new outcomes for psychological therapies and interventions. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final outcomes.


Psychological therapies and interventions are given by a broad range of health, social care, voluntary and community organisations in Scotland. They are given to a wide range of people with different needs.

Not everyone has the same experience when they are given a psychological therapy or intervention. We want to help make sure that services meet your needs whoever you are and whatever your background is.

Psychological therapies and interventions can improve your health by helping you change your thinking, behaviour, and relationships. This can reduce distress, treat mental health difficulties, manage emotions, and improve wellbeing.

‘Psychological Care’ is the term we use throughout this document for all psychological therapies, assessments and interventions given by self-help, by individuals or staff.

We want to make sure the psychological care system gives the right information, support, intervention or service appropriate for your needs. You should get care as quickly as possible and with the fewest steps possible.

All decisions about your psychological care will be based on your needs and the information available. You will feel informed and have choice in your care and support.

We want to make sure everyone gets the same level of psychological care across Scotland. We want to make it easier to share what works, so we can make services better for everyone.

We want to ask you some questions about this, so we can make sure that the psychological care system works better for everyone. This is called a Consultation.



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