
Delivery of psychological therapies and interventions - national specification: consultation - easy read

We want to hear your views on their new outcomes for psychological therapies and interventions. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final outcomes.

What you can expect

We want to make sure you get the right care and information with the right person, in the right way at the right time.

The psychological care you get will be based on these principles:

  • You are treated with kindness and respect when you get your care.
  • You are allowed to make choices about the care you get.
  • You get quick access to the best care.
  • If you want it, you are offered help to find the help you need.
  • Those that care for you are well supported.

If your needs change, you will be supported to get help from the people or team that best meet your needs. These decisions will be based on facts and made with your input.



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