
Adult secondary mental health services - quality standards: consultation - easy read

We want to hear your views on their new standards for adult secondary mental health services. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final standards.

Part 2: Assessment, Care Planning, Treatment and Support standards

What I can expect:

I will be supported by a team of professionals who can meet my assessed needs.

I will be asked what is important to me and this will be part of my mental health assessment, care planning, treatment and support. My carer or family can be involved if I want them to be.

I will have a copy of my care plan which will be regularly reviewed to ensure it reflects my needs.

The care and support I get will be centred around me. This care and support will be suited to my cultural and social needs, and what has happened in my life.

My mental health care and support will be given to me in the community if this is safe and meets my needs.

I will be able to choose how I access care and support and whether it is face to face or online. However I choose to get my support it will be safe and will meet my needs.

If I need support from more than one professional and organisation, I will have a named person who will help organise these.

If I am having a crisis, I will be able to get information, care and support when I need it, in an accessible and safe space. I will be treated well by the people who provide my support.

Part 2 Questions

5. Do you agree that the standards in this section will make mental health services better for people who use them? Please tick the box that matches how you feel:

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

6. Do you agree that the standards in this section clearly tell people, families and carers what they can expect from a secondary mental health service?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

7. Do you agree that the standards in this section will help make sure that services meet your needs whoever you are and whatever your background is?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

8. Do you think there is anything missing from this section of the standards? Please tell us about this in the box below:



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