
Adult secondary mental health services - quality standards: consultation - easy read

We want to hear your views on their new standards for adult secondary mental health services. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final standards.

Part 3: Moving between and out of services

What I can expect:

I will have one written care plan which is made

by me and the professionals supporting me. If I move between different services, this will include clear information which helps me make the move.

With my permission, this plan will be shared as I move between services so that I do not have to keep telling my story over again.

If I need to move between or out of services, I will be supported to get ready for this move. If I need someone like an advocate to help me, support will be available to me at a time and pace I need.

If I am discharged from mental health services, I will understand how to get care and will easily get support if I still need it.

Part 3 Questions

9. Do you agree that the standards in this section will make mental health services better for people who use them? Please tick the box that matches how you feel:

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

10. Do you agree that the standards in this section clearly tell people, families and carers what they can expect from a secondary mental health service?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

11. Do you agree that the standards in this section will help make sure that services meet your needs whoever you are and whatever your background is?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

12. Do you think there is anything missing from this section of the standards? Please tell us about this in the box below:



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