
Adult secondary mental health services - quality standards: consultation - easy read

We want to hear your views on their new standards for adult secondary mental health services. We have asked a series of questions, and your answers to these will help us write the final standards.

Part 6: Measurement

One of the main aims of the standards is that we can measure if they are working. We are suggesting that we do this in two ways.

Part 6 Questions

21. Do you agree that the standards should be measured using an agreed self-assessment tool? This would mean that mental health service organisations would check how well they were doing.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

22. Do you agree that the standards should be measured using a range of national guidelines?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Disagree

23. Are there any groups of people you think we should look at first when making sure everyone gets the same from mental health services? These could be people from ethnic minority backgrounds, people with disabilities, people who are LGBTI.

Please tell us what you think about this in the box below:



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